Sunday, September 17, 2017

When Reality Becomes Transparent Truth Prevails

Why is it that hooligans are often seen marauding footlocker stores during times of strife and natural catastrophes? When professional stock car race driver David Ragan saw a video on social media last week that depicted miscreant type shoe aficionados while looting the previously mentioned shoe store during Hurricane Irma, he perceptively proposed that perhaps they should consider pillaging another type of store instead. “They need to stop by the clothing store and steal some belts to hold up their pants next.”
Unless we are asleep at the wheel, we have a pretty good idea who Ragan is referring to by his comment suggesting they are all thieves. Does that make an observer, in this case Ragan or others like myself who saw the same things unfolding on MSM and admittedly had similar thoughts to his, make him, me or us racists?  Absolutely not!
To label one a racist who recognizes what is obvious makes no sense. Everyone captured on tape was/is in fact a thief. And Ragan never mentioned their ethnic group -- he only mentioned their sagging pants and, by the implication, their repulsing hind ends. 
Unfortunately, the attitude of many liberals, both hardened and novice is nothing new. The ethnic/cultural grievance peddlers among the left have long maintained that any disparagement of sure conducts thought to be inherently tied to the black community constitutes a form of xenophobia (racism) known as respectability politics or politics of respectability. In short, it’s generally defined as what happens when minorities and/or marginalized groups are told that to receive better treatment, they must behave better. Furthermore, problems that exist within the black community stem from within, and that by adopting a certain lifestyle, blacks in general can inoculate themselves from discrimination.
The counter argument; this brand of politics is often used to rationalize racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, and violence. As it relates to subject at hand, there’s nothing xenophobic, racists, prejudiced or vile about reprimanding grown men and women for sauntering about with their pants hanging off their rears. Moreover, attempts to stop people from encouraging others to do the right thing like upright, mature adults are tantamount to the lax bigotry of low expectations -- the belief that minorities are too boorish to conduct themselves properly. The fact is that no grown man or woman should allow his or her pants to “hang 10” , regardless of race. And frankly, if you disagree with this opinion, you’re likely a liberal lemming dupe willing to discard traditional values for the sake of personal gain at others expense.

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