Sunday, November 26, 2017

Societal or Christian Standards of Morality

Americans disagree about almost every issue of morality except one -- infidelity. It is said that only a small percentage say adultery is morally acceptable. But on almost every other issue the moral view is moderating or lessening -- divorce, premarital sex between consenting adults, physician-assisted suicide, abortion on demand, pornography, polygamy, homosexuality...More people are condoning behavior that, from a Judeo-Christian scriptural perspective, is irreligious or ungodly.

The truth is; it doesn't matter what society thinks. The Word of God reflects the character of God and sets the standards of morality for humanity. At heart, Christians are counter- culturalists. This being the case, does this not make Christians, to include myself diverse or distinct from the world? As Christians, we do not necessarily adopt persuasions, morals, conducts, or patterns of our society that run contrary to our religious beliefs. As Christians, are we not resolved to endeavor to live above reproach, even when others are offended by our scriptural lifestyle? While we as Christians do not aspire to needlessly antagonize or cause offense to anyone, let us never acquiesce to outside societal influences, thereby lowering the standards of our inviolability or godliness.   

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