Sunday, July 15, 2018

War Within America

Is America at war within her own borders? To say no, is to simply deny the facts. Other than a few Braveheart’s, there appears to be few politicos willing to change the all-consuming, fire-breathing Beltway beasts hunkered down in the swamp.
Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism, and traditional Judeo-Christian morality; those who desire freedom to succeed or fail, who know that as government enlarges liberty diminishes, and who believe American exceptionalism ultimately is rooted in, and dependent upon, self-governing, self-disciplined, moral and God-fearing citizens.
On the other side are all people who consider the first group to be prejudicial, unjust, unrealistic, avaricious, self-seeking, narrow-minded, racist, feminists, xenophobic, parasitic, predatory and malevolent. And it is this side, so full of grievances against the first, that dominates American government, media, academia and the humanities.
In this war, our elected officials are supposed to be our advocates, fighting on our behalf in Washington. Do we send them to Washington to become members of an elite, permanent, bipartisan country club to enjoy, enrich themselves or build careers and fortunes for themselves? Like our men and women in uniform, we raise them to do battle on our behalf. To help bolster and guide them on the right path, and to enable us to better hold them accountable we have them swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States as written?
From this conservative warrior's viewpoint, the conflict is becoming increasingly brutal, as the other side pretty much occupies the Deep State and with it owns the major media. Yet, with so much at stake, we must prepare for battle. We must don our breastplate of armor, wield our swords, raise the conservative standard and head into battle with the goal of vanquishing the adversary. 

1 comment:

  1. Are not a nation's elected representatives supposed to be it's advocates? Is not a nation's government expected to put it's citizens welfare first? This post specifically refers to America and her political situation as I see it. Though the written narrative is apropos to all people, especially those living in the West.
