Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry

How many reading this post have heard Democrat talking heads, spokespersons or liberal leaning media commentators give voice to how important it is to be non-judgmental? Judging by recent events (Kavanaugh inquisition to name but one), Judgementalism has become the catchword or rallying cry of the Democrat Party. Worse yet, Judgementalism is beginning to ooze into American culture at large. When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for an individual who has allegedly done something wrong, we always default to protecting that individual. How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma of getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the babies who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the individuals who are, to a fault hesitant to get married in view of the fact, they are apprehensive of divorce better off? Are we better off because individuals no longer wonder whether doing something distasteful or loathsome in public will hurt their good name or ruin their family’s reputation? Are we better off as a nation when unsubstantiated innuendos about one’s character become political barriers to serve on America’s highest Court? The very fact that we are so unwilling to “draw a line in the sand” and say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong” has our culture in dissipation, depravity, degeneracy and moral decay. Maybe if there were more people who commiserate when they do things that “wouldn’t make their mothers proud,” there would be many more decent people, to include politicians conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.

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