Saturday, February 22, 2014

America's Welfare Maze

"Its easier to fool people than it is to convince people they have been fooled."--Mark Twain

While the two major political parties shout, scream, and showboat, arguing about who is going to spend the tax payers money on which pork barreling project, the ship of state is letting on water. The politician will do and say what garners them the most votes. This is how politicians, for the most part remain in a position of political power. The more money for welfare recipients and welfare projects the more those who stand to gain will vote to keep their benefactor in office. The problem is welfare spending is but one example of tax payers money being wasted by politicians who just don't get it and for the most part don't care. Here's a thought, why do we need welfare? The real answer about why we need such is simple enough. We need welfare because of "generations of failed government social policies that have devastated the working class family, destroyed religious prohibitions on self-destructive behavior, exported jobs to other nations, and confined welfare recipients in section 8 housing or public housing ghetto's." Here is a question to ask ourselves. How in the world, is a welfare mother who sees nothing but other welfare mothers expected to plan her exit from public reliance or enslavement if you will?

Here is another question to ponder. How did we get to this point in the first place? Do you suppose it had something to do with union-run public proselytizing system masquerading as publicly funded education? I believe so.  I believe it was indoctrination, not education that destroyed the path to self- betterment that real education had heretofore provided.

Have you ever wondered who benefits most from welfare. How about Section 8 housing landlords or contractors who build public housing? Do you think local government bureaucrats who manage public housing benefit from welfare? There are a few beneficiaries of welfare programs that we tend to forget. Detention facilities builders and public unions get the overflow from public housing. And let us not forget the dope peddlers, legal and otherwise, who sell temporary exits from the prison walls that we have erected around Lyndon Johnson's "50 year war" and its inmates, all of whom are cared for by leftist reformists who live, not in the same community but well outside the penal colony walls.

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Season

"There is a time for everything, and a time for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to uproot, a time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."--Ecclesiastes (3:1-4)

It's fine to mourn, and its fine to dance, and its fine to know that part of life itself is to understand that nothing lasts forever, and that even the sad times should be embraced. Take heart in these challenging of times, fore the sun will rise in the morning regardless of the darkness in one's present circumstance.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tides of Tyranny: Poverty by Choice or Government Conditioned

Tides of Tyranny: Poverty by Choice or Government Conditioned: It is recognized by the writer of this blog and others that the problems afflicting many impoverished people are often of their own making, ...

Poverty by Choice or Government Conditioned

It is recognized by the writer of this blog and others that the problems afflicting many impoverished people are often of their own making, at least to a great extent. Have you ever stopped to consider how much of modern life is conditioned by the fact that millions of young woman are having children they cannot support? If one cannot afford to support their children, they cannot afford to feed them, they cannot afford to put a roof over their heads and they cannot afford medical care. This being the case, an environment conducive to learning is probably dramatically hindered. Clearly the tax paying Americans are subsidizing a way of life.

Currently the Federal Government spends in access of one trillion dollars a year on 79 federal means tested welfare programs. These programs provide cash, food, housing, medical care, social services, training and targeted education to poor and low income Americans. "If converted to cash, means tested welfare spending is more than sufficient to bring the income of every lower income American  to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. That amounts to approximately $44,000.00 per family of four. "

Those persons who sell anti-poverty programs are under the presumption the beneficiaries of these anti-poverty programs always "behave rationally enough to advance their own self interests." To the detriment of themselves, their dependents and society this is rarely the case.

The state of the nation's welfare program causes poverty both fiscally and spiritually. There is little doubt that these programs are devastating the culture of the recipient communities. There is less doubt that these programs are costly. There is no doubt that trillions of dollars are tapped annually off the incomes of the most productive Americans to subsidize a large portion of  those who collect welfare by choice not circumstance.

Politically, I may be cast as a racist for addressing this issue. I am far from it. I believe man has the power of choice; to choose his words, to choose his actions and to choose right from wrong. I believe all men were created equal by God.  I am conscious of being white in a country that is increasingly minority. I see the social safety net as something that helps the racial minority (that in itself is not altogether bad)  and binds the rising minority population to the Demo Party.Hence the cycle continues.