Saturday, December 22, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Could America’s Mr. Smith or Maid of Orleans be Pr...

Tides of Tyranny: Could America’s Mr. Smith or Maid of Orleans be Pr...: Remember the movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington? If not, research it for background to the following question: Where do you suppose this p...

Could America’s Mr. Smith or Maid of Orleans be President Trump

Remember the movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington? If not, research it for background to the following question: Where do you suppose this prodigious Mr. Smith type courageousness comes from – the rare, almost mythological, ethereal makeup we desire our elected representatives/leaders to possess, which will mysteriously empower them to battle like The Maid of Orleans (Saint Joan of Arc) against the all-consuming,  all-controlling, all-excessive English domination of France late in the Hundred Year War? As we answer that, let’s get one fact clear: America is at war within her own borders. 

For Conservatives, could our Joan of Arc be Donald Trump? Instead of liberating France from English tyranny as the Maid of Orleans played a central role, Trump fights to free America from the all-consuming, all controlling, all excessive progressive socialist coalition of ideologues that comprise today’s Democrat Party and some within the GOP, otherwise known by many as the DC Elites, Beltway Bandits, even the Deep State. Regardless to the tag, make no mistake, we are at war. 

Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism and traditional Judeo-Christian morality; those who desire freedom to succeed or fail, who realize that as government enlarges, liberty diminishes and who believe in American exceptionalism ultimately is grounded in, and dependent upon, self-governing, self-discipline, moral and religious citizens.

On the other side are all the individuals who consider the first group to be prejudicial, unwarranted, callous, avaricious, self-centered, narrow-minded, xenophobic, bloodsucking, voracious, and most likely malevolent. It is this side, so full of alleged grievances against the first that currently dominates much of our Pillars/Columns/Estates of American government. Specifically, the third (Judiciary), fourth (Mainstream Media) and fifth (Social Media). Along with the mentioned pillars, I would be remiss if I failed to list academia, Silicon Valley and a majority of those associated with arts and entertainment as part and parcel to the second group.  

In this war, our elected government representatives are supposed to be America’s champions, fighting on our behalf in the beltway arena. Do we not send them to Washington to do just that? Do we send them to Washington to be members of an elite, permanent, bipartisan country club to enjoy and enrich themselves or build careers and fortunes for themselves at taxpayers’ expense? Like our soldiers, do we not raise them up to do battle and guide them on the right path on our behalf and hold them accountable? 

For conservatives, the battle is brutal at present, as the other side pretty much owns the Judiciary Branch, The clear majority of Mainstream Media, Silicon Valley, Academia, Arts and Entertainment , culture mouthpieces and Social Media Websites. Yet, with so much at stake, conservatives must stand firm, with the belt of truth buckled around their waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and the feet fitted with the readiness of a warrior. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which one can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the left.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Conservative Patriots clad in their armor and helmets, wielding their swords and shields must continue to wage battle if Right over Left is to prevail. To do otherwise is to surrender the soul of our Constitutional Republic to the proponents and thus eventual ravishes of neo-Marxism.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist...

Tides of Tyranny: Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist...: Where is my America? Was there not a time when the United States banged the drums, clanged the cymbals and blew the trumpets for autonom...

Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist Drift

Where is my America? Was there not a time when the United States banged the drums, clanged the cymbals and blew the trumpets for autonomy, self-determination, responsibility, civility, hard work, self-determination, accountability, responsibility, civility, and nationalism? Surely there are still people that still believe in those attributes. In view of the fact, that secular liberalism now has a foothold within the Democrat party, many more destructive ideals, reminiscent of toxic waste have seeped into our culture. The Democrat Party as it stands today, no longer identifies with their own nation and support for its best interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. No matter how one cuts the deck or slices the cake, the secular liberal left has debased, degraded, despoiled, and corrupted America's characteristic spirit of its once prevailing tendencies and dominating characteristic. Do you get the Globalist Drift? They have traded the American ethos for the New World Order. The Democrat Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. They are not interested in the good of others; they are interested solely in power, pure power. Liberty is for the Left elitists to decide for us as they see fit. Compulsory Subjugation to the will of those in authority over the masses. Their will, our command. Nirvana for them, not so much for us. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy

Tides of Tyranny: It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy: It's hard to overstate the importance of the midterm election results for Judeo-Christians, conservatives and those skeptical of ...

It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy

It's hard to overstate the importance of the midterm election results for Judeo-Christians, conservatives and those skeptical of a progressive ideology that promises to fulfill the real or imagined needs of all of society. With the House in Democrat hands and the Senate in Republican hands, President Trump will have his hands full in advancing the cause of Sanctity of Life and the cause of Religious Liberty. He will still be able to place Originalist Judges on the Supreme Court and on the lower courts. He had made strong moves to protect our borders and restrict illegal immigration. He has revived our economy and strengthened our military. Now that the Democrats control the house, the resistance will stiffen. We must continue to fight the good fight to strengthen America’s economy, push for Immigration Reform, to include building the Wall, stronger military, and push for less government regulations. I ask you, has not God called every believer to be a nurturing voice in faith and reason? This being so, is there not a Scriptural role for Christian partisanship or activism? If that is the case, it begins with combating liberalism, humanism, socialism, globalism, secularism and placing Christ back into our culture. To put America and her founding values first; we must pray for America. Go to the voting precincts in record numbers and cast our ballot for conservativism. Let it be said of us, we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we have kept the faith.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Thank a Democrat for America's Tragedy in Waiting.

Is it just me or do you also detest the idea that some ordinary guy or gal can make an innocent off colored comment or joke on Twitter, Facebook or any other number of social media websites and have his or her life destroyed for it by today’s liberal Democrat brown shirt PC Gestapo. I think it’s repulsive to see that the liberal left has welcomed with open arms Fascism, Socialism and Sorosism. The left has done so to such an extent that they can’t tolerate an opposing or divergent idea, be it on their college campuses, in their board rooms or mainstream media conduits. It’s like the whole of America is in a relationship with someone who displays those characteristics or symptoms most often associated with persons suffering from borderline personality disorder or in some, full-blown maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition and inner experience. Everyone’s walking on, metaphorically speaking, IED lined walkways because some wallflower might get horribly upset at, well…. just about anything and everything. Whatever happened to the notion that if some ordinary thing pushes your button or starts your emotive engine, it is you my friend that has the problem and it’s something you need to work on? Oh, yeah, liberals can you just take a chill pill, see a therapist or take one of Space X’s Elon Musk’s interplanetary space ship trips to Mars or to another galaxy far, far away. All this leads me to a question that may or may not be worthy mulling over. Will Political Correctness, inclusiveness or sensitivity be America’s undoing? I will let you, the readers decide if the question is worthy of reflection.

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Flagship of Victimhood

Is not self-victimization no more than the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking? This being the case, has not the Democrat Party become the flagship for promoting the self-image of victimization or victim mentality? Does not the Progressive rhetoric of the mid-term elections speak volumes of this? How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?  Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 54-year-old, Supreme Court conservative nominee allegedly was involved in a compromising sexual encounter, at a party when both were teens. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough systemic racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. Anyone who has a brain to think with and been conscious for the last forty years or so, should know that the uniquely institutional American sin of racism has long been a thing of the past.

An honest assessment of America’s 44th President must conclude that Obama got more votes because of the color of his skin than were cast against him for it. Once upon a time in America people wanted to feel robust, strong, accomplished, capable and talented to handle their own problems and difficulties instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called patriots, purists, nationalists, conservatives, independents, even old school democrats….and they come in all colors, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political persuasion and religious beliefs.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Invasion of America: Who are They and What do They...

Tides of Tyranny: Invasion of America: Who are They and What do They...: With illegal immigration back on the front burner, here's what you need to know about America's immigration concerns. There's a ...

Invasion of America: Who are They and What do They Want

With illegal immigration back on the front burner, here's what you need to know about America's immigration concerns. There's a caravan of illegal aliens headed for our Southern border as we speak. This isn't immigration, this is an invasion of America. And it is not an accident. Think about it. What are the chances that a caravan of thousands, heads to the United States weeks before a midterm election? Someone, some organization is handing out a lot of greenbacks for services rendered. I believe there is an ominous agenda to uncover? If I've learned anything of the Left and their portentous agenda, it's that there's no such thing as coincidence. Someone is behind the occurrence and there's something they want...the question is who are they and what do they want? An opinion based on hours of research and a lifetime awareness of liberal politics: Unless one’s head is up their posterior, it is evident that the migrant caravan form Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador is not the result of a grassroots effort but is politically motivated and being bankrolled by the liberal left elites (both political and otherwise). Food for thought: The Drug Cartels, Criminal Gangs, ISIS and dare I say George Soros, may have more sinister motives. The caravan marching to our border is organized and supported by the coalition CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project, which includes Catholic Legal Immigration Network, The American Immigration Council, the Refugee and Immigration Center for Education and Legal Services and the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Three of the four groups are funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Other support groups are founded by the MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation. As stated by local authorities/organizations to include Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, which covered the crisis form the Honduras-Guatemala border; Besides “gang members and mobs of angry young men, the Central American caravan making its way to the United States also consists of Africans, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and Indians.” As per Judicial Watch staff personnel, the popular “mainstream media narrative of desperate migrants many of them women and children seeking a better life is hardly accurate.” Guatemalan officials confirmed; “the caravan includes a multitude of Special Interest Aliens (SAI) from those nations mentioned as well as criminal elements, and gang members.” Lest our Congressional leaders forget; it is their responsibility to safeguard America and its citizens from unlawful foreign incursion. To do otherwise is to be disloyal to America, even traitorous.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: The Democrat Party’s Resistance to Trump’s America...

Tides of Tyranny: The Democrat Party’s Resistance to Trump’s America...: Is President Donald Trump a saint? No! Does Trump have lobbyist money obligating him to support legislation that directly influences any...

The Democrat Party’s Resistance to Trump’s America

Is President Donald Trump a saint? No! Does Trump have lobbyist money obligating him to support legislation that directly influences any one group/entity over another? No! Does Trump have political correctness restraining him? No! Has not Trump been a successful negotiator? Undoubtedly, Yes. Has Trump not built a lot of things? Do not his vast holdings attest to this fact? Is Trump a typical spineless politician? A coalition of democrat, liberal and wayward GOP resistance to anything Trump, answers this question. If Trump says he will fix something does he not fix it? Yes! Does Trump follow through with what he says? In as much as his authority and the “resistance” allows him to do so, yes. 

Listening to the left’s political grandiloquence one might conclude that President Trump is a liar, egotist, overconfident and too swollen headed, furthermore at times he is ambiguous, self-centered and non-committal. Really! Does not vainglorious or cocky imply confidence in oneself? This being so, is it necessarily a negative? 

In response to this pomposity of Democrat misplaced elocution, I surmise that Trump is too much of an egocentric to be proven erroneous or looked at and called a prevaricator. To Trump’s detractors; the typical American, be they independent, conservative or otherwise could care less if the guy is too cocksure of himself, has bad hair days or fails to be politically correct with his tweets. The bottom line is lower taxes, robust economy, smaller government, strong national defense, immigration reform, and “Draining the Swamp.” The last-mentioned scares the hell out of the Democrat Party and “Deep State.”

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Comparative is Too Large to Quantify

Tides of Tyranny: Comparative is Too Large to Quantify: I listened to the Kavanaugh hearing on television, I have read both conservative and liberal op-eds and listened to legal heads within/outsi...

Comparative is Too Large to Quantify

I listened to the Kavanaugh hearing on television, I have read both conservative and liberal op-eds and listened to legal heads within/outside of the political arena. My comments/beliefs are that the comparative is too large to quantify, as evidenced by Senate Judiciary Democrat Committee members rhetoric and questions posed. All this being said, one is able to conclude that the Democrat party is not interested in the truth nor the rule of law. An accuser, who was clearly damaged but had no idea as to what happened to her. The accused, a victim of slander, Judge Kavanaugh has skillfully and rightfully so, criticized the Democrat Committee members for their spineless conduct, stood up for what he believed to be right and defended his name and his family in the same forceful way he has championed Constitutional Law in his decision-making process. 

Is this man, who this nation does not deserve, but one essential to counteract the degeneracy, depravity and shamelessness that currently grips a divided government/America needed? Yes! Was not Judge Kavanaugh above board in defense of himself, his judicial record, and his expectations? Yes! Have not the Democrats managed to live down to all the low expectations they have become known for? Most affirmatively! Does the comportment of Democrat Committee members, their party and constituents come as a surprise? No! Does it come as a revelation or eye-opener that Democrat leadership plan to call for impeachment of Kavanaugh should they gain a majority in the house in November? Not really! Is this not a sham and a shame? Yes! Did Judge Kavanaugh deserve to be the next jurist on the United States Supreme Court? Worthy is the man.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: How Liberals are Destroying America via Sectariani...

Tides of Tyranny: How Liberals are Destroying America via Sectariani...: Here's the reality: Sectarianism was an urge our founding fathers assumed we could overcome. And so, it has become our greatest v...

How Liberals are Destroying America via Sectarianism

Here's the reality: Sectarianism was an urge our founding fathers assumed we could overcome. And so, it has become our greatest vulnerability. Why now a vulnerability? Is not America’s current political system debilitated, or in the least undermined by this type tribalism? Sectarianism is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group. Have we not witnessed the Democrat Liberal left work incessantly to split Americans in ever smaller groups that are at each other’s throats? The democrat left has become masters of doublespeak and attaching relations of inferiority and superiority based on class, ethnic identity, gender, and factions within political and regional movements. Adherents of a given faction may believe that for them, for the achievement of their own political goals or plans, opponents must be rehabilitated or purged. Notwithstanding the current Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearing, better yet circus or fiasco. If you want to get a sense of how bad sectarianism has gotten, we’re having fierce public forum debates about transsexuals who, depending on how you define or slice and dice it, make up less than 1/4 of one percent of the population. More and more, the attitude is moving from the annoying, “You just can’t understand because of your race/color/gender/class” to “You Hate Me, and I Hate You” because of differences that are often conflicting and irreconcilable. Is this not extraordinarily perilous to our future as a Republic? Can one really expect to hold any group of people including a nation together for any length of extended time when people no longer believe they share the same goals and values as their fellow citizen? Is not our nation’s motto being E pluribus Unum (Out of many, one)? But, what happens when liberals insist that the many never become one?  Therein lies the problem.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry

Tides of Tyranny: Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry: How many reading this post have heard Democrat talking heads, spokespersons or liberal leaning media commentators give voice to how importa...

Divine Punishment the Democrat Party Rallying Cry

How many reading this post have heard Democrat talking heads, spokespersons or liberal leaning media commentators give voice to how important it is to be non-judgmental? Judging by recent events (Kavanaugh inquisition to name but one), Judgementalism has become the catchword or rallying cry of the Democrat Party. Worse yet, Judgementalism is beginning to ooze into American culture at large. When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for an individual who has allegedly done something wrong, we always default to protecting that individual. How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma of getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the babies who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the individuals who are, to a fault hesitant to get married in view of the fact, they are apprehensive of divorce better off? Are we better off because individuals no longer wonder whether doing something distasteful or loathsome in public will hurt their good name or ruin their family’s reputation? Are we better off as a nation when unsubstantiated innuendos about one’s character become political barriers to serve on America’s highest Court? The very fact that we are so unwilling to “draw a line in the sand” and say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong” has our culture in dissipation, depravity, degeneracy and moral decay. Maybe if there were more people who commiserate when they do things that “wouldn’t make their mothers proud,” there would be many more decent people, to include politicians conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Li...

Tides of Tyranny: Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Li...: How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?   Only in America do people get so excited abo...

Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Liberal Left

How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?  Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 54-year-old, Supreme Court conservative nominee allegedly was involved in a compromising sexual encounter, at a party when both were 17 years old. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough systemic racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. Anyone who has a brain to think with and been conscious for the last thirty years or so, should know that the uniquely institutional American sin of racism has long been a thing of the past.

An honest assessment of America’s 44th President must conclude that Obama got more votes because of the color of his skin than were cast against him for it. Once upon a time in America people wanted to feel robust, strong, accomplished, capable and talented to handle their own problems and difficulties instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called patriots, purists, nationalists, conservatives, independents, even old school democrats….and they come in all colors, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political persuasion and religious beliefs.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How Liberalism is Destroying America via Politicization

Want to watch a professional football game? Are there not players protesting the National Anthem by refusing to stand for the flag? Have you watched a celebrity awards ceremony of late? Are there not Arts and Entertainment spokespersons making political statements? Want to go to the restroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. Forget about telling an off-color joke you heard? Better be careful; at best, that  could turn into a tabloid scandal, worse yet, local media might propel it to the forefront. And then the “what ifs.” What if the wrong group gets offended? Want to buy a costume for your toddler or pre-teen for a special occasion? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same ethnic origin or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be xenophobic. Ready to marry your sweetheart? Then you better support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. Is it just me that remembers a time in America where one could just live their life without paying attention to politics. Was that not a good thing? Remember that old saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, because of liberals and democrats, that choice is no longer an option. Is not the politization of everything sad? Sadder still, it shows little signs of abatement.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

911 Thought Shared

As a friend shared with me, I share with you. On this day, 17 years ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning tomorrow. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift of saving lives.
None of them saw past 10:00 am Sept 11, 2001.
In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Cultural and Ethnic Divide

Does it not appear that liberals seem to delight in slogging persistently to divide Americans into ever increasingly fragmented groups that are antagonistic towards each other? How bad is it? Are we not having raucous public debates about transsexuals who make up but a minuscule portion of America’s inhabitants? More and more, the way of behaving is moving from the “get on my nerves because you’re not of this race categorization or color pigmentation or male-female, or non-binary gender” to “you hate me, and I hate you” in view of the fact that variances are often unalterable. Is this not a detriment to America’s future as a nation because you can’t hold any group of people including our republic in concert for a protracted or long term when people no longer believe they share like objectives and principles as their fellow citizen? 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Illegal Immigrants, Innocent Victims, Politics and Immigration Enforcement

Let me begin this post by saying that all illegal immigrants are not bad people. This being said, they are in the U.S. illegally. They have broken our immigration laws. No ifs, ands or buts about it. To say otherwise demonstrates one’s ignorance of the law as written.
Molly Tibbitt’s, Kate Steinle and multiple other deaths (homicides or otherwise), essentially goes back to enforcing immigration laws. The fact that some people are even making this a political issue quite frankly is disconcerting because it should not. Enforcing the law is not politics. Its common sense. Maybe the lack of common sense is the malady plaguing our elected Public Servants who choose to ignore immigration statutes.
Is it not just common sense that those who shouldn’t be here, should not be here? Especially those who are criminals. All of this easily could have been prevented if our immigration laws were enforced. What liberal would argue against that? It stands to reason, if a liberal, politician or otherwise has or were to argue against enforcement of immigration laws, they are somewhat morally culpable in American Citizens dying at the hands of illegal Immigrants.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Feminism Through a Paterfamilias’s Conservative's Lens

Based on what I have heard, seen and read I present the following thoughts: I am a male and desire for females to be treated commensurate to their male counterparts. I share the same belief as some others that today’s feminism has lost its real quintessence due to the mushrooming corruption and or exploitation of this equality movement that resulted in its portrayal of all things masculine being corrupt and, dare I say threatening.
Did not the intent of the feminist’s movement include an aim or desired result of seeking establishment of educational and professional opportunities for woman that are equal to such opportunities as for men? Upon achievement, that desired goal makes the feminist movement a noble socio-political endeavor that for the most part is in the process of being realized.
Considering current events, I ask a question. Has the feminist train gone off the track? It appears third wave feminism, latest of three suffrage movements has been so widely accepted in society that it has made feminism irrelevant. Is it not so beyond the bounds of possibility that, radical or ultra-left feminists seek to abolish patriarchy by challenging existing social norms and institutions? Furthermore, does not liberal or radical feminism call for a revolutionary reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contents? This includes opposing the sexual objectification of women and challenging the very notion of gender roles. Today’s liberal feminists have now defined feminism as a “combination of man-hating and victimization.” “Look out and beware, ” it’s the patriarchy ogre rearing its ominous head and sexual assault culture! You "cease your patronizing!" “Don’t you dare hold the door for me!” Stop saying, “Not all men!” “You just sit there in silence thinking about how you’ve oppressed women.”
Does not liberal feminism falsely make women think they could have it all if those dreadful men weren’t getting in their way and it makes many a man unsure of what reaction they’ll get from women when they behave like men? Forget about the old “Women should be women and men should be men” way of life. Has today’s liberal feminism become more about women being men and the men being chastened?  

Monday, August 13, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Time for Public Education to Cease Aborting Zip Co...

Tides of Tyranny: Time for Public Education to Cease Aborting Zip Co...: The Education Secretary wanted to cut funding for the department of Education by approximately five percent, but Congress in their not t...

Time for Public Education to Cease Aborting Zip Code Children

The Education Secretary wanted to cut funding for the department of Education by approximately five percent, but Congress in their not too infinite wisdom, instead increased its funding by several billion. Secretary Devos wanted to ramp-up school voucher funding magnet and charter school programs. Again, Congress in their not too infinite wisdom denied her request to increase school voucher magnet school and charter school programs. The Education Secretary wanted to cut after-school and grant programs for low-income students and redirect the money to school vouchers. This point begs a question. Is it the school's job to provide after-school programs that do little to educate a community’s children and prepare them for the future workforce? If so, test results and dropout rates indicate abject failure on the part of too many public-school systems.

I question the prudence of increasing public education funding, while failing to increase financial resources for school vouchers for magnet and charter schools. Do we really need millions of dollars in subsidies for initiatives to reduce school violence, increase mental health services, and support separate grant programs for counseling, crisis management, and violence prevention? 

Here's a novel idea our Legislative Representatives, Educrats, School Board members, NEA leaders and membership should think long and hard about. Why not consider the future economic welfare and job prospects of students trapped in underperforming schools that fail to meet their basic educational needs? Why not end a system that forces students into schools based on their zip code or family income? Is this fair to those kids who happen to live in impoverished areas? Is it fair to use ghetto children as political pawns? Furthermore, are not ghetto children part of a community in which a minority group lives? Like our Congress, our public education system, as it currently stands is limping through the motions if not already fractured. What Congress is doing is limiting choices for students by acquiescing to those politically motivated organizations; primarily, NEA and its membership, education text publishers, liberal mouth pieces and an ignorant (not to be confused with stupid) constituent base. 

The government should not penalize zip code children by forcing them to attend substandard secondary education schools. To do so is tantamount to deprecating, disparaging and vilifying a segment of a community's citizenry.  


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Post-Secondary Education Institutions will Sink or...

Tides of Tyranny: Post-Secondary Education Institutions will Sink or...: Five decades ago LBJ signed the Higher Education Act into law. President Obama reauthorized it while in office. Even prior to Obama’s re...

Post-Secondary Education Institutions will Sink or Swim with Future Legislation

Five decades ago LBJ signed the Higher Education Act into law. President Obama reauthorized it while in office. Even prior to Obama’s reauthorization the turning wheel did squeak. Over the years, the law, which converges with nearly every aspect of higher education, has turned into a special interest windfall. It buffers traditional post-secondary institutions of higher learning from marketplace competition, weaves a serpentine network of student aid options, packs pork, and in the Obama administration served as a ruse or better yet, a con for the Department of Education to formulate politically charged mandatory requirements.  
Now House Democrats are in the process of introducing a bill to make college tuition-free by minimizing debt and simplifying financial aid procedures. Sounds fine, does it not? Who would oppose free college tuition? Then again, Democrats are always peddling something for free. Word to the wise: nothing that comes out of the Swamp is free. The bill itself is known as the Aim Higher Act. Does not the “Aim Higher” title sound too good to be true? Remember the old adage? “If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably not.”
The nuts and bolts of the Aim Higher Act is a serious and comprehensive proposal to give every student the opportunity to earn a debt-free degree or credential, so states Democrat Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), ranking member on the house Committee on Education and the Workforce. Furthermore, in a statement released to the press he acknowledged that “there are expensive proposals within the Aim Higher Act, such as those to move toward free college models." There’s that word again; ‘Free!’ When will the public realize, not all that glitters is gold? I emphasize, ‘nothing is free.’ The taxpayers will bare the burden of funds dispersed by politicians, regardless of party affiliation.
The progressive proponents of the bill continue to demonstrate a lack of monetary and fiscal intelligence, much less wisdom. In theory, the bill will provide immediate and continuing relief to students and parents struggling with the cost of college. In theory, it puts a greater emphasis on helping students graduate with a quality degree that leads to a rewarding career, and it cracks down on predatory for-profit colleges that peddle costly, low-quality degrees at the expense of students and taxpayers.
The above mentioned  propose legislation has more than a few holes or question marks. Its ambiguity is transparent. Does it not lack definition? What constitutes or defines a quality degree? What makes a for-profit post-secondary institution any more predatory than a state operated post-secondary institution of higher learning? I contend that more education debt is amassed by students attending State Universities than “for-profit” Private schools. Do the simple math. The proof is in the numbers.
Are there alternatives on the legislative table? The GOP bill is a counter effort that seeks to reduce taxpayer funding directed toward higher learning by cutting some student aid initiatives. As I understand the proposed bill, it also suggests that schools adjust their curriculum to meet employers’ needs. The GOP bill gives hope….by meeting employers immediate needs, whereby expeditious or p. d. q. (pretty damn quick) employment opportunities become an attainable goal. The reality is threefold. First, debt remuneration by borrower; Second, it limits taxpayers footing a portion of a student loan default or paying its entirety; Finally, federal student loans are allocated IAW alignment of college curriculum to present and future societal occupational specific skills as dictated by economic researched trends. Makes perfect economic sense to me. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Moral Relativism and Today's Culture

If you’re like me, you have heard many from the progressive left lecture us about how important it is to be open minded, reject uninformed assumptions, and avoid assigning guilt or accountability. Has not this non-judgmental mindset now trickled down into society at large? When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for a select individual who has done something wrong, do we, more times than not, default to protecting that individual? How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma around getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the kids who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the guys who are particularly tentative to wed because they fear divorce better off? Are we better off because people no longer wonder whether doing something dreadful in public will hurt personal character or ruin their family’s reputation? The very fact that we are so reluctant to draw a line in the sand and openly admit, right from wrong has mired our culture in dissoluteness. Do you suppose, just maybe, if more people felt regretful when committing egregious acts there would be more conscientious and right-minded human beings?

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: War Within America

Tides of Tyranny: War Within America: Is America at war within her own borders? To say no, is to simply deny the facts. Other than a few Braveheart’s, there appears to be few p...

War Within America

Is America at war within her own borders? To say no, is to simply deny the facts. Other than a few Braveheart’s, there appears to be few politicos willing to change the all-consuming, fire-breathing Beltway beasts hunkered down in the swamp.
Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism, and traditional Judeo-Christian morality; those who desire freedom to succeed or fail, who know that as government enlarges liberty diminishes, and who believe American exceptionalism ultimately is rooted in, and dependent upon, self-governing, self-disciplined, moral and God-fearing citizens.
On the other side are all people who consider the first group to be prejudicial, unjust, unrealistic, avaricious, self-seeking, narrow-minded, racist, feminists, xenophobic, parasitic, predatory and malevolent. And it is this side, so full of grievances against the first, that dominates American government, media, academia and the humanities.
In this war, our elected officials are supposed to be our advocates, fighting on our behalf in Washington. Do we send them to Washington to become members of an elite, permanent, bipartisan country club to enjoy, enrich themselves or build careers and fortunes for themselves? Like our men and women in uniform, we raise them to do battle on our behalf. To help bolster and guide them on the right path, and to enable us to better hold them accountable we have them swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States as written?
From this conservative warrior's viewpoint, the conflict is becoming increasingly brutal, as the other side pretty much occupies the Deep State and with it owns the major media. Yet, with so much at stake, we must prepare for battle. We must don our breastplate of armor, wield our swords, raise the conservative standard and head into battle with the goal of vanquishing the adversary. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Independence Day Message With a Twist

Tides of Tyranny: Independence Day Message With a Twist: President John Quincy Adams once stated: “In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation (America) is indissolubly linked w...

Independence Day Message With a Twist

President John Quincy Adams once stated: “In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation (America) is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior. The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.” This being the case, where have we as a people gone wrong? Why have we strayed so far to the left? 

Over the course of decades and centuries since our nation’s founding, we have become permissive, slothful and negligent in our civic duties. Sure, we may follow some of the big political news and vote on Election Day. But are we evaluating our government’s actions by the rule of law set forth in the Constitution? When we examine and discuss new policy proposals, is our first question how the proposal will affect us personally, or is it whether the proposal is a constitutionally proper use of government power? Are we promoting liberty and then using our freedom for virtuous ends? 

Those of us who really love America and all our flag represents should reflect on those questions this 4th of July. Our nation’s illustrious history cannot sustain a real and lasting patriotism forever. We must move beyond superficial displays and emotive song lyrics and apply some tough love to our long-neglected nation.
In a deeply divided America celebrations like Independence Day provide a heaven-sent awning that for the short time conceals our many differences with one another, thereby creating the deception of unison or partisanship. The differences are most often viewed as geopolitical. On the surface they are. On the other hand, do we not differ in our views of our government’s efforts on our behalf? Some would say yes. Or it’s yoke of taxation, government bureaucracy and police power as others would describe it. 

News flash from the past: The original colonists were divided over similar things, which is why the Declaration of Independence still stirs many emotions. The power the colonists derided against was England’s repressive Monarch, who viewed the colonists as no more than serfs to be exploited for the benefit of England’s greater good. Yet the colonists had one thing we today lack. The colonists had an all-embracing love and respect of the Christian religion. Furthermore, they opposed the king’s position of power as it related to him being the head of the Christian Church of England. By defying the throne, colonists risked their lives to restore their faith and freedom under the leadership of Christian patriots not a Crown Head of State.
 A closer analysis of today’s America would see a similar difference underlying the many political divides and cultural hostilities running rampant within our republic. It is apparent many in America, to include legislative, judicial and executive representatives have acquiescently declared their independence from Jesus Christ, who was in the beginning with God. Where does Jesus walk today? He walks among the lampstands of America’s once fiery church dais or pulpits but sees no flame of independence burning on His behalf. Sad is it not that the light that burned so radiantly has grown dim? Benjamin Franklin once observed at the Constitutional Convention: “And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without His aid?” I ask, can a prosperous and powerful nation remain so having deviated, strayed or fallen to such depths of detestation or abomination?

On this Independence Day, dare I say America, her leaders and clergy have made the same mistake every other nation that arose with His assistance has also made. Did we not take the blessings He afforded us? Have we, as a nation not turned a blind eye to Him? Today, knowingly or not, the majority of America celebrates Independence Day as their independence from God. They are not only, appallingly wrong but ruinously and eternally misguided.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy at The Gate and Within

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy at The Gate and Within: Did not the Democratic Party once produce presidents such as Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy? Were not major Democrat party leaders fierc...

The Enemy at The Gate and Within

Did not the Democratic Party once produce presidents such as Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy? Were not major Democrat party leaders fierce opponents of mass immigration because they recognized the negative impact it had on American workers wages? Did not America's center-left party present itself as a friend to American workers, fighting for their interests against corporate chiefs? The answer to all three opening questions are yes.
Regretfully, the Democratic Party of the past is not the Democratic Party of today. Indeed, the current Democratic Party is more concerned with defending international socialism than American workers. Today's Democratic Party has completely abandoned the middle ground. It is now a full-on progressive party with an agenda and platform almost indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party, or Democratic Socialists of America. 

There is little doubt the Democrats of today would be marching in the streets against traditional Democrats such as President Truman or JFK. The Democratic Party has not always been characterized by unquestioning support for open borders. Indeed, the American left's sudden backing of mass immigration is relatively recent. One can argue, today’s Democratic Party has abandoned even the pretense of trying to help American workers. Instead, they seek to gain power by essentially replacing the current American people with a new one. Prior to the tail end of the last millennial (1990’s) the Democrats were unfalteringly opposed to lax border security.

Why the change in ideology, knowing illegal immigration disproportionately harms both the black community and their white working-class base?  The Democratic plan is simply to replace American citizens. The left wants to expand the Democratic Party voting base to create a socialist one-party state. The simplest way to do this is to flood America with immigrants from 3rd World nations, who have little interest in the Constitution and are reliable Democratic voters.

Is there hope for the future? Yes! America’s future lies in the hands of the 45th President of the United States. President Trump can counter the Democrats' identity politics driven strategy with policies that will help American workers of all ethnic backgrounds. He should be dramatically reducing all immigration via a Wall on the Southern border, immigration reform and promoting America First, low tax, high growth policies which will win over significant numbers of working class, black, Asian and Latino voters. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Why not Discriminatory Immigration

Tides of Tyranny: Why not Discriminatory Immigration: Unless one has been asleep at the wheel, they are aware that the mainstream media has had many a field day reporting on President Trump’s ...

Why not Discriminatory Immigration

Unless one has been asleep at the wheel, they are aware that the mainstream media has had many a field day reporting on President Trump’s alleged use of socially offensive language as it pertains to Immigrants (legal or otherwise). Has not the stir over rough linguistics reinforced the point Trump was making? Why should we not be more discriminatory about the émigrés and others we allow to enter America? 

Whether or not Trump used disparaging words to describe impoverished countries, which have been plagued by political systems that do not reward hard work, Trump is right that most of the people living there are not prepared to immigrate here without imposing a burden on Americans. Most of the people in the rest of the world just don’t have the skills to support themselves in our high-tech society. Too many Americans have been misled by the sentimental myth that our immigration policy is based on "...give me your tired, your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” 

Did not Donald Trump, on the day he declared he was running for president, vow to change the way our immigrants are selected and screened? His point, then and now, is that we’re not selecting the best candidates for immigration from among the much larger number of people who do not share our values. As I and anyone with a brain to think with knows that generally, immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, most African nations and more than a few predominately Islamic nations have the least education. Furthermore, most are functionally illiterate in our language and live in households that depend on at least one or multiple welfare program(s). Here's a unique idea: Why not raise American workers salaries, house and feed our own homeless, and improve our veterans care and compensation, instead of bringing more of someone else's tired, poor and wretched refuse? 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Politicization of Everything

There was a time when we used to be an America that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of liberalism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that liberals have degraded our culture, but these are the superlative of the bad.

Want to watch a professional football game? There are players taking a knee to protest the flag. Turn on a celebrity self-gratification awards ceremony? There are actors/actresses causing consternation by making partisan political statements. Want to go to the bathroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. You’re just a regular person telling a suggestive joke you heard? Better be careful; that could turn into a front-page confected scandal if the wrong person/group gets offended. Want to buy a holiday costume for your child? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same race or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be racist. Ready to marry your best friend and sweetheart? Then you had best support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. Where have the days gone where one could just live their lives without paying heed to politics at all? That was a good thing. Remember that wise saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, in view of the fact there are liberals, we no longer have a choice. A shame, is it not?

Monday, May 28, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Memorial Day 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Memorial Day 2018: As Americans, we have no more important holiday than Memorial Day, the holiday where we come together and honor those who gave their lives...

Memorial Day 2018

As Americans, we have no more important holiday than Memorial Day, the holiday where we come together and honor those who gave their lives in service to our country. It's the one holiday that makes all other holidays possible. For too many of us, Memorial Day has become just another day off work, or a day for grilling and beaches excursions, but for some families, it is a day to reflect on loved ones lost.

Memorial Day is personal to me. Several of my family members, to include myself have served over the years. One of them, my father, Sam Alano was an inspiration to me. He was an infantryman and took part driving across North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France and Germany culminating in VE Day. He received Purple Hearts for wounds sustained during the Normandy Invasion and Battle of the Bulge.

The story of American sacrifice has continued. From Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and in Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans whose sacrifices allow us to enjoy such a privileged life in a country we all love.

Allow me to provide some historic background as to the meaning of Memorial Day. First and foremost, Memorial Day is the day set aside to remember those men and women who perished while serving in our armed forces. Memorial Day began at the national level, May 30, 1868, as a Decoration Day, with a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen Civil War soldiers. Following World War I, Decoration Day became a day of remembrance of all soldiers, sailors, and Marines who died in the service to their nation, not just the Civil War. Following WW II that holiday was re-designated Memorial Day. Since the United States of America’s founding, more then 1.3 million men and women have died in service to our nation.

As President Ronald Reagan so eloquently once said of Memorial Day: “As we honor their memory today, let us pledge that their lives, their sacrifices, their valor shall be justified and remembered for as long as God gives life to this nation.”

These core tenets still provide a call to order for every American on this solemn day of remembrance. This being the case; this Memorial Day, let us pause, in a symbolic act of unity to remember and honor the men and women of the United States of America who have died in the pursuit of freedom and peace.