Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Independence Day Message With a Twist

President John Quincy Adams once stated: “In the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation (America) is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior. The Declaration of Independence laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity.” This being the case, where have we as a people gone wrong? Why have we strayed so far to the left? 

Over the course of decades and centuries since our nation’s founding, we have become permissive, slothful and negligent in our civic duties. Sure, we may follow some of the big political news and vote on Election Day. But are we evaluating our government’s actions by the rule of law set forth in the Constitution? When we examine and discuss new policy proposals, is our first question how the proposal will affect us personally, or is it whether the proposal is a constitutionally proper use of government power? Are we promoting liberty and then using our freedom for virtuous ends? 

Those of us who really love America and all our flag represents should reflect on those questions this 4th of July. Our nation’s illustrious history cannot sustain a real and lasting patriotism forever. We must move beyond superficial displays and emotive song lyrics and apply some tough love to our long-neglected nation.
In a deeply divided America celebrations like Independence Day provide a heaven-sent awning that for the short time conceals our many differences with one another, thereby creating the deception of unison or partisanship. The differences are most often viewed as geopolitical. On the surface they are. On the other hand, do we not differ in our views of our government’s efforts on our behalf? Some would say yes. Or it’s yoke of taxation, government bureaucracy and police power as others would describe it. 

News flash from the past: The original colonists were divided over similar things, which is why the Declaration of Independence still stirs many emotions. The power the colonists derided against was England’s repressive Monarch, who viewed the colonists as no more than serfs to be exploited for the benefit of England’s greater good. Yet the colonists had one thing we today lack. The colonists had an all-embracing love and respect of the Christian religion. Furthermore, they opposed the king’s position of power as it related to him being the head of the Christian Church of England. By defying the throne, colonists risked their lives to restore their faith and freedom under the leadership of Christian patriots not a Crown Head of State.
 A closer analysis of today’s America would see a similar difference underlying the many political divides and cultural hostilities running rampant within our republic. It is apparent many in America, to include legislative, judicial and executive representatives have acquiescently declared their independence from Jesus Christ, who was in the beginning with God. Where does Jesus walk today? He walks among the lampstands of America’s once fiery church dais or pulpits but sees no flame of independence burning on His behalf. Sad is it not that the light that burned so radiantly has grown dim? Benjamin Franklin once observed at the Constitutional Convention: “And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an Empire can rise without His aid?” I ask, can a prosperous and powerful nation remain so having deviated, strayed or fallen to such depths of detestation or abomination?

On this Independence Day, dare I say America, her leaders and clergy have made the same mistake every other nation that arose with His assistance has also made. Did we not take the blessings He afforded us? Have we, as a nation not turned a blind eye to Him? Today, knowingly or not, the majority of America celebrates Independence Day as their independence from God. They are not only, appallingly wrong but ruinously and eternally misguided.

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