Sunday, December 24, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tides of Tyranny: Is What Happens Engineered

Tides of Tyranny: Is What Happens Engineered: I s it not rather taxing to measure and understand the interrelation of politics, geography and   economic events without first comprehe...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tides of Tyranny: Divide and Conquer is Strategy of the Left

Tides of Tyranny: Divide and Conquer is Strategy of the Left: Much of what I write here, was inspired several months back from someone else’s written thoughts, of which I strongly agree with. I also t...

Divide and Conquer is Strategy of the Left

Much of what I write here, was inspired several months back from someone else’s written thoughts, of which I strongly agree with. I also took the liberty to add my own narrative to what was stated. For everybody that can’t see the forest for the trees, here is what is really going on in the world. The global elitist like George Soros along with Obama and the shadow government (Deep State) has been at work trying to incite violence by creating hate groups like BLM and funding Antifa. They are pitting BLM against cops, blacks against whites, democrats (individualism/liberalism) against Republicans (conservatives/traditionalists). They want civil unrest, so they can usher in the NWO and are using the centuries old strategy of “divide and conquer” and “creating order out of chaos”. They want to destroy our heritage by pushing the false narrative that confederate flags and statues are racist. They want to limit our police officer’s ability to do their jobs by pushing the false narrative that cops are out to murder black people. They are now attacking our National Anthem through organized sports. They want to disarm America by staging/publicize by means of propaganda, mass shootings to strike fear in people. They must abolish our constitution and our sovereignty before they can implement radical change. They will do this through civil unrest and civil war. They will come looking like they have the answers for peace and safety, but don’t be fooled. They are destroying this country for the sake of globalization and a one world government. They want to take away your fundamental rights. They control the media and are using it to control our minds. Don’t believe everything MSM says. They are owned by those who appear to favor globalism over nationalism, indebted to liberalism not conservativism and beholden to the likes of George Soros. Get your hearts right with God and protect your families because things are likely going to get worse before they get better.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Tides of Tyranny: Societal or Christian Standards of Morality

Tides of Tyranny: Societal or Christian Standards of Morality: Americans disagree about almost every issue of morality except one -- infidelity. It is said that only a small percentage say adultery i...

Societal or Christian Standards of Morality

Americans disagree about almost every issue of morality except one -- infidelity. It is said that only a small percentage say adultery is morally acceptable. But on almost every other issue the moral view is moderating or lessening -- divorce, premarital sex between consenting adults, physician-assisted suicide, abortion on demand, pornography, polygamy, homosexuality...More people are condoning behavior that, from a Judeo-Christian scriptural perspective, is irreligious or ungodly.

The truth is; it doesn't matter what society thinks. The Word of God reflects the character of God and sets the standards of morality for humanity. At heart, Christians are counter- culturalists. This being the case, does this not make Christians, to include myself diverse or distinct from the world? As Christians, we do not necessarily adopt persuasions, morals, conducts, or patterns of our society that run contrary to our religious beliefs. As Christians, are we not resolved to endeavor to live above reproach, even when others are offended by our scriptural lifestyle? While we as Christians do not aspire to needlessly antagonize or cause offense to anyone, let us never acquiesce to outside societal influences, thereby lowering the standards of our inviolability or godliness.   

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tides of Tyranny: The Thanksgiving Gift that Defies Rational Explana...

Tides of Tyranny: The Thanksgiving Gift that Defies Rational Explana...: It’s Thanksgiving – without a doubt one of my favorite observances. Why, you may wonder. It’s a day designated for expressing our ackno...

The Thanksgiving Gift that Defies Rational Explanation

It’s Thanksgiving – without a doubt one of my favorite observances. Why, you may wonder. It’s a day designated for expressing our acknowledgement to Jehovah God for all He has done for us – from creating our nation to offering a Savior and Redeemer for all who fall short of His expectations and are truly penitent. We gather around the table and feast with family and friends to celebrate Him and the richness that only He provides.  

This special holiday is a reminder to us of our national heritage that provided a foundation of liberty and justice built on God’s assurances and teachings. Has not America truly been blessed by God despite our individual and domestic deficiencies? Once in a great while, we as a nation have something else to celebrate – and it rarely has to do with politics. Not since President Reagan has a national leader emerged who not only reminds us of those precious things, but one who shakes up the status quo, challenges emerging new false cultural dogmas and seeks to return America to its foundations, grounded on the legal principle that should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials and will of “We the People.” Is that not what President Donald Trump has done since being sworn in as President of the United States of America?

Did he have to do it? Was he not, in many ways, an extremely unlikely figure to fill that role – an ever so wealthy man who would not have been on anyone’s list of "Who's Who" among spiritually motivated Americans? But “God works in mysterious ways,” bewildering those riled and in rebellion against Him. Look at the record of accomplishments, it’s simply undeniable. Not since Ronald Reagan led the rejuvenation of the American by thoroughly changing America’s cultural and political drift from the nation’s inspired foundations have we seen such national blessing.  

With that said, and with Thanksgiving here, let me make clear that we remember first to prayerfully praise God for the pardon He has provided Americans with His seemingly unlikely servant in the White House. Indeed, thank Him for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us and those to come in His Future Kingdom – the ultimate time of peace, justice, restoration and rest. Yes, thank God, always and for everything to include unlikely leaders – especially in this season of Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Crème de la Crème's Arrogance

The irreligious and anti-Christians of the elite doyen/doyenne and Hollywood genus are so vile and unsympathetic they can’t even find it in themselves to mourn the loss of twenty-six souls without heartlessly making fun of them and those who offered up prayers on their behalf and the behalf of the injured and the families of all those touched by their senseless killings. 
The lifeless bodies of the congregants murdered inside the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs hadn’t even been removed before the elites began ridiculing their Christian faith and the supremacy of and resolution or purpose for prayer. In their efforts to appear progressively informed and above the absurdity of religion, they demonstrated both a profound ignorance of Christianity and more than a trifling bit of detestation in their calloused and repugnant souls. 
Does not the nonpareil’s arrogance astound you as it does me? Did God not promise Christians would fall victim to wicked people? In fact, he promised that they would. In explaining the parable of the sower, Christ compares the Christian who falls away “when affliction or persecution arises because of the Word, immediately falls away,” to the seed that falls on rocky soil…Matthew 13 and Mark 4.

The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 8:35-36: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." This is a plain indication of God’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering.
Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:5-7
The first death is not the death that Christians pray to avoid. Everyone – believer and non-believer alike — will suffer that one. It’s the second death we are spared as Christians. That is why we pray, and that is how their prayers indeed saved them. For those sceptics who doubt, I say this; If we as Christians are wrong in our belief, we have lost nothing. If you, the non-believer is wrong, you have lost everything.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Tides of Tyranny: Democratic Party Void of Ideas

Tides of Tyranny: Democratic Party Void of Ideas: Have you ever thought about the plot or subplot of a story? If not, allow me to wander the progressive forests of political character gone...

Democratic Party Void of Ideas

Have you ever thought about the plot or subplot of a story? If not, allow me to wander the progressive forests of political character gone astray. It has become increasingly apparent, that now more than ever, some individuals/groups talk about other individuals/groups, while others talk about belief. It applies here. Devoid of any tenable stratagem overture, office-bearers have little else to do but focus on exclusive political alliances. Throughout the 20th century, was not the Democratic Party always the party of division? In the South, Democratic politics was the politics of race. In the North, Democratic politics was the politics of class, envy and ethnicity. Still, there were real issues at stake. 

It has become apparent to this writer that currently, identity politics is all there is. In the last election and to a lesser extent the two prior to 2016, did not Hillary Clinton ask women to vote for her because they were women; Blacks because they are black; Hispanics because they are Hispanics; Gays because they are Gay? I believe Ms. Clinton’s ethnicity beguiling at the DNC during the last election cycle was carefully planned and shameless. Did she not put the mother of the then late and not so innocent Treyvon Martin center DNC stage? Does it not appear Hillary and her lieutenants orchestrated event mentioned into a bogus racial occurrence to spur ethnic resentment and drive black voters to the polls?

An unfortunate consequence of identity politics is that the political becomes personal. Hillary voters tended to see her not as someone who was going to deliver the goods, but as someone who would protect their personhood. Does that not suggest that the opposing candidate is a threat to their personhood?

Did not Donald Trump campaign for the votes of out-of-work auto manufacture workers, steel workers, coal miners and blue-collar workers everywhere? But he never appealed to them based on gender or ethnicity or perceived individual identity. He appealed to them as ordinary Americans. As is evidenced by current political rhetoric and behavior, conservative and liberal candidates crusade in very different ways. Now, allow me to pose this question to women. Has any political couple in US history been more denigration to them than the Clinton’s? But, if you think your personhood is on the line, emotion tends to "trump" clear thinking.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Wake-up The Threat is Real

We can all see the threat. It’s right in front of us, plain as day. And yet, why are so many people afraid to identify it? Why are so many people afraid to speak out about it? After countless bloody terrorist attacks around the world carried out in the name of Allah, it’s obvious Islam is a dangerous ideology that can too easily be used to justify the murder of innocent non-Muslims. Yet statesmen and stateswomen, the media and our cultural elites continue to declare to its people Islam is “a religion of peace.” 

Does this not sound reminiscent of the infamous German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler? Did he not state, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself”? We need to cease reiterating the falsehood, lest we come to accept as true. Furthermore, we need to pushback against the lie when others repeat it perpetually. Admittedly. it’s difficult to pushback when the adversary has even now entered our nation. There is little doubt, revolutionaries or activists linked to Radical Islam have gained positions of influence over American policy, especially during the Obama presidential years. 

What is occurring in America, and has already come about in Europe, is what authorities refer to as “Civilization Jihad.” Civilization Jihad is by its nature and design a subtler, but truly more dangerous threat in the long run. It aims to transform a society from within, so it can eventually be brought under Islamic law. 

Since the goal is the overthrow of the society and its existing government and laws, Civilization Jihad can be a “pre-violent” preparation for violent jihad or if successful enough to achieve the desired end on its own. It is my opinion, and shared by others, that Radical Islam’s civilization jihad is well on its way to transforming America and Europe into something our Founding Fathers and Europe’s ancestry never could have imagined in their worst nightmares.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Secular World and God

With every passing year, month, week, day, I become more convinced the secular world believes it is god. Do not many in the secular world now believe that technology is that manifestation for the masses? Christians and Muslims offer the secular world’s only real competition. Jews talk a good game, but most often vote secular. So, from the world’s perspective, it makes perfect sense to play the Christians and Muslims against each other, and reduce both to  irrelevancy. And play the Christians and Muslims, they do, to secularism’s score.
The secular world’s only problem is…God really does exist, and He has made clear that He has other plans. True enough, the secular world’s god has said much the same. Jesus dealt with the issue while He sparred with the moralistic or religious leaders of His day. He reduced the issue to the state of being a father. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murder from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks in his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” In other words, he was a fallen entity from the beginning and does not stand for veracity, because there is no truthfulness in him. When he speaks it is with the intention to mislead. He speaks what is natural to him, for he is a prevaricator himself and the father of deception and all that is false. For, is not the devil a fallen angel who exists to terrorize the world through evil? I contend, secularism is no more than philosophical naturalism that embraces human reason while rejecting religious dogma, thus I find it nefarious. 
So, your father is either God, or the devil. The secular world is, to paraphrase Einstein on what we call reality, “an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” The secular world has a father, and it’s not God whom Jesus called Father. I would be somewhat surprised if the illusion of the secular world persists beyond this generation’s lifetime.

Monday, October 23, 2017

In Midst of Evil Comes Comfort

Following the Las Vegas massacre, the knifings in Marseille, France and the vehicular homicides in Great Britain and the many other acts of depravity occurring weekly, even daily throughout Europe and America, I was struck by how unwittingly we come into contact or rub elbows with malevolence. How we share the thoroughfares and roadways or pathways with hollowed-out men and ignoble or craven women whose capacity for debauchery knows no bounds. It would be expedient or convenient if such people all looked the same, but sadly, they don’t. They look just like us. And so, we dine and drink with them in eateries, cafes and pubs unknowingly. We walk by them in outlet malls, sit next to them in theaters, and maybe even hold the door for them as they smile and gesture in thanks.

I am aware these are not heartening words. The world is as uncertain as the people in it, and we share this world with some extremely indeterminate entities. But we also share it with existing evidence that expectation will never die.

Take comfort in unknown bystanders who shield others with themselves to save total strangers. Draw encouragement knowing Law Enforcement Officers sprint towards the shooter, the knife wielding terrorist, or the radical Islamist running down innocent pedestrians. Grasp the moment; these everyday people are no less real than the assassin(s).

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Why The NFL is in Deep Kimchi

Need I ask if protesting the National Anthem is foolish politics? Do you suppose it’s foolish because that’s one of the symbols that unites us? It’s the equivalent of burning the American flag; has any successful American political movement ever built itself on flag-burning or Anthem-protesting? American history say's no. 
Protesting the National Anthem based on police brutality is for the most part ill-advised given the lack of statistical authentication or evidence of national law enforcement discrimination against innocent African Americans. Star Spangled Banner protest-initiator Colin Kaepernick is chiefly and appropriately seen as a halfwit who bifurcates or divides the nation. 
By turning the Anthem protests from a settled issue into a referendum on him, Trump pushed the Left’s buttons — and the Left responded in the most asinine imaginable way, by proposing, that everyone kneel for the Anthem. The Left thinks they’re protesting Trump’s overreach. The image that will (and did) hit the media airways, however, is Leftists supporting protesting the Anthem itself, which is deeply and properly unpopular. If the Left believes they’re going to win hearts and minds by kneeling for the National Anthem, they’re five beers short of a six-pack. Trump may have trodden in excrement, but he’s the one who will (and did) come out "smelling like a rose. "
So much for that rosy concept. The NFL, like their entertainment and late night late night TV cohorts/hosts has become ground zero for the traditionalist and social Liberal culture wars. Which means that we can’t see movies anymore, watch TV shows anymore, or even watch sports anymore without feeling that we’re being judged. That means our common spaces are disappearing. And we have so little political common space already that cultural common space was our last remnant of harmony.  
The NFL will lose most from this poppycock, and may even be ruined by this. They warrant it.  Multitudes of Americans were already tuning out due to traumatic brain injury/concussion coverage and confirmed domestic abuse issues. Now that will accelerate. That’s due in large measure to the NFL’s utterly inconsistent stance regarding political posturing. When St. Louis Rams players engaged in “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” protests, the league did nothing; when Dallas Cowboys players wanted to wear Dallas police decals to honor the department after a massacre of officers by a black radical, the NFL turned their request down. When Kaepernick knelt for the Anthem, and other players followed, the NFL did nothing; when some players wanted to wear special football cleats in commemoration of September 11, honoring the fallen, the NFL threatened fines. Now, is it any wonder that fans feel like the NFL took a side here? Is there a bottom line? Yes! Here’s the return: this divergence is not good for America. Do we not need our shared symbols? Do we not need our shared spaces? In all actuality, we need them equally. Both of those components are being destroyed for political and ratings boost. If that doesn’t stop, we’re not going to have anything at all in common in any form conjointly or apart.

Monday, October 9, 2017

All Cultures are Not Equal Part 2 of 2

Here’s the problem with multiculturalism: Are values or ideals such as invention, fundamental rule of law, freedom of expression and women’s autonomy and self-determination equally held across all cultures? If all cultures are equal, how does one account for the fact that, for the last half millennium, it has been one culture—the culture of the West, and now of America—that has shaped the world? Multiculturalists and the ignorant alike explain it in terms of oppression. Western civilization, they say, became so powerful because it is so malevolent. The study of Western civilization, they insist, should focus on colonialism and slavery––the distinctive apparatuses of Western coercion. But are colonialism and slavery uniquely Western? Not at all. History tells us they are universal. As for bondage, it has existed in every culture. Did not American Indians practice slavery long before Columbus set foot in the Western Hemisphere?

What is idiosyncratically Western, in fact, is not slavery, but the elimination of such. And what distinguishes the West from all other cultures are the institutions of democracy, free enterprise, and natural and social sciences. These institutions developed because of a synthesis of classical reason and Judeo-Christian morality. And it is these institutions, I and other enlightened others contend, that comprise the source of Western strength and explain the West’s long-standing dominance in the world. The West’s greatest strength is not merely its military power, but also the unparalleled power of its ideas and institutions.

But what about America? If America is a nation of immigrants––mostly non-white immigrants––doesn’t that, by definition, make it a multicultural society? No! America is a multi-ethnic society. We don’t want it to be a multicultural society. I’m a second-generation American from Sicily. So, no––the United States and Western Europe are not made up of imperialist, colonialist, resource-exploiting, avaricious, snatching, brown-coffee skin-hating people. Our values are worth defending––not just because they are ours, but because they are worthy and good.

Monday, October 2, 2017

All Cultures are Not Equal Part 1 of 2

Question: Do you think America, and those nations associated with the West are made up of colonizing expansionists, intent on exploitation of natural resources and are fine-tuned at loathing rustic skinned people whose moral principles, code, values do not merit defending? Does this question not seem absurd? If you were to argue that no one thinks this way, you would be wide of the mark. Too many people do. And what’s even more disconcerting, many of these people were born and live in the West. Expressed in a different way; they have come to loathe their own way of life. Why so?

This thinking is the product of a tenant or dogma extensively imparted by educators in our schools, especially post-secondary institutions and many political minded liberal elitists. It’s known as multiculturalism, the belief that all cultures are equal. Expressed in a different way; no culture’s morals, art works, system of politics and government, or literary works are greater or poorer than any other. But is this true? Let me stir the pot by raising the possibility that some cultures have contributed more than others and in some instances, much more than others. Having made this statement, some would accuse me of defiling the principal dogma of multiculturalism? Perhaps I have!

More recently, President Donald Trump expressed a similar sentiment in Warsaw: “We write symphonies. We pursue innovation…We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression…We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success…That is who we are…Those are the priceless ties that bind us together…as a civilization.” For this, Trump was disparaged by multiculturalists. How could he say these things? As if these were unique qualities to white-dominated nations, instead of universal truths of humanity across all cultures.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Are We as A Nation in Decline

Did not our God warn us long ago, when a nation devalues His precepts, distorts His principles, and denies His path bloodshed will follow bloodshed?
The prophet Hosea said, “Listen to the word of the LORD, O sons of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land, because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land. There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore, the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes” (Hosea 4:1-3).
Today, are we not beginning to languish as a nation, wither away as a culture, waste away as a people? Is it not time we turn back to God? Why not return to Jehovah God, observe His magnanimity and righteousness? I contend as others before me, primordial force, hostility, riotous actions, needless racial divisiveness, political turmoil, fake news is the result of turning away from God. Sovereignty and liberty are His response when we turn back to Him.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

When Reality Becomes Transparent Truth Prevails

Why is it that hooligans are often seen marauding footlocker stores during times of strife and natural catastrophes? When professional stock car race driver David Ragan saw a video on social media last week that depicted miscreant type shoe aficionados while looting the previously mentioned shoe store during Hurricane Irma, he perceptively proposed that perhaps they should consider pillaging another type of store instead. “They need to stop by the clothing store and steal some belts to hold up their pants next.”
Unless we are asleep at the wheel, we have a pretty good idea who Ragan is referring to by his comment suggesting they are all thieves. Does that make an observer, in this case Ragan or others like myself who saw the same things unfolding on MSM and admittedly had similar thoughts to his, make him, me or us racists?  Absolutely not!
To label one a racist who recognizes what is obvious makes no sense. Everyone captured on tape was/is in fact a thief. And Ragan never mentioned their ethnic group -- he only mentioned their sagging pants and, by the implication, their repulsing hind ends. 
Unfortunately, the attitude of many liberals, both hardened and novice is nothing new. The ethnic/cultural grievance peddlers among the left have long maintained that any disparagement of sure conducts thought to be inherently tied to the black community constitutes a form of xenophobia (racism) known as respectability politics or politics of respectability. In short, it’s generally defined as what happens when minorities and/or marginalized groups are told that to receive better treatment, they must behave better. Furthermore, problems that exist within the black community stem from within, and that by adopting a certain lifestyle, blacks in general can inoculate themselves from discrimination.
The counter argument; this brand of politics is often used to rationalize racism, sexism, bigotry, hate, and violence. As it relates to subject at hand, there’s nothing xenophobic, racists, prejudiced or vile about reprimanding grown men and women for sauntering about with their pants hanging off their rears. Moreover, attempts to stop people from encouraging others to do the right thing like upright, mature adults are tantamount to the lax bigotry of low expectations -- the belief that minorities are too boorish to conduct themselves properly. The fact is that no grown man or woman should allow his or her pants to “hang 10” , regardless of race. And frankly, if you disagree with this opinion, you’re likely a liberal lemming dupe willing to discard traditional values for the sake of personal gain at others expense.

Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11, A Day of Awakening and Recognition

Few Americans of sound mind, patriotic heart and a soul will ever forget 9/11/2001. Though the legacy of September 11, 2001 attacks may not be fully known for years to come. For hundreds of thousands of Americans, to include myself, that fateful day changed everything. The day changed all of us. It changed America. And it changed the world.  

But I ask the reader if he/she recalls what happened on September 11, 2012? Allow me to refresh your memory. A planned assault occurred on the Benghazi Consulate, which was being monitored in real time by U.S. intelligence as the terrorists were allegedly using U.S. mobile phones. Hours into the attack, Hillary Clinton spoke via secure landline with President Obama and no attempt was made to rescue U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three CIA operatives. A few hours later, the administration blamed the attack on a video insulting Islam, produced by an obscure independent filmmaker who has since purported to have had links with the U.S. Justice Department.   

It is my understanding (from public source material) the next morning, Hillary Clinton’s State Department contacted various social media outlets requesting them to expurgate speech insulting the followers of Mohammedan. The administration began a concentrated campaign aimed at blue-penciling or censoring speech affronting Islam, as President Obama in a UN address, thirteen days later stated: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”   

Later reports surfaced that America had supplied guns to the terrorists overthrowing Gaddafi, Libya’s leader at the time, and that these guns were being moved through Benghazi to arm terrorists overthrowing Syria's leader, Bashar al Assad, and are now being used by ISIS terrorists to overthrow it’s adversaries. This begs the question; is this not part of a comprehensive Muslim Brotherhood goal of re-establishing Shariah Muslim nations under a supreme authority Muslim leader or caliph?   

It is my opinion, based on events since and prior to 911, establishment of Shariah Law, either within or outside a Muslim Caliphate is counterproductive to peace and individual freedoms in America, Europe, the Mideast, Muslims in general, and especially women living within/alongside Islamic cultures that adhere to Sharia Law. There is no future for those in the West who promote, encourage and support the institution of, or restoration of or re-establishment of Shariah Law or tenants contained therein. In summary, "the future must not belong to those who champion Shariah Law." 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Church and Message Conveyance

I read a media post a couple weeks past arguing that if someone’s church didn't speak out against the murder in Charlottesville, Virginia, that this is evidence that they attend a white supremacist church. That might be true. Then, again, it might not. What happened in Charlottesville was appalling, and the culprit should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The white supremacists traipsing for bigotry certainly do not represent anything like middle-of-the-road America. Following weeks of contemplation, I choose to now deal with the idea that if a church doesn't immediately preach on this, or any other select social issue, that church should be branded and rejected.
Is not the Church already addressing the problem in congregations across America every time it teaches people to love one another, who they can see? Or else, is not evidence that they do not love God who they cannot see? Does the Church not address the problem in congregations across America every time it teaches that to embrace anger against your brother or sister is synonymous to murdering them? In the same way, does not the Church address sexual deviancy, promiscuity, abortion and like issues by teaching about self-restraint and intrinsic human value? Does not the Church address environmental issues by teaching about stewardship? Does not the Church teach about prevailing over divisions by bringing to light the reconciliation available through the blood of Jesus Christ shed for the forgiveness of the source of every human evil? And it teaches about the alternative to sin every single time it emboldens its congregants to follow Jesus.
Like others who have on occasion filled-in for a pastor, I have in the past delivered pro-life, anti-discrimination and appropriate, to the occasion, messages and sermons on these and other present-day issues. If others don’t, does that make them or the Church, pro-abortion, racist, less patriotic? What’s wrong with incorporating the sanctity of human life, equality of all and patriotism into Church sermons when the Bible text links with the issue? I dare say, each advocate/activist in every area of life yearns for the opportunity to seize the pulpits/lecterns of America but addressing the human condition is always greater than any lone issue. If the Church in America were mandated to preach on abortion every time an individual outside the womb purposefully killed an innocent living being inside the womb, the church would preach on nothing else. It happens over 3,000 times every day.
The problem is not that media types declare or brand a church as this, that, or the other, if it did not deal with an issue they wanted addressed that Sunday. If your church conveys the established reliable, historical faith passed down through the ages, it is already addressing the derivation of the moral calamities that plague mankind. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A World Void of Savoir-faire and Notions

Like a political party without intention, university campuses are void of ideas. Historically, colleges and universities in America represented fountainheads of free inquiry. Were they not at one point in time places where the free exchange of ideas was acceptable and stimulated? Did not important public policy plans, schemes, proposals in part, historically come from academia?

Sadly, no more. The ship of academic enlightenment has sailed. In its place, we find a junk (ancient Chinese sailing vessel) moored on our university cesspools. Are not our post-secondary schools increasingly infected by the idea that people have rights and responsibilities based on their genes? Or their ethnic affiliation? Or their gender or lack thereof? Or their sexual preferences? Instead of discussing whether school vouchers would help unfetter the disadvantaged school age children from the bondage of educational disparities that lead to manifest failings in low achieving schools. From what I have seen and heard, some campus protestors, to include some professors are claiming that even hearing the case for vouchers “marginalizes” black students. Ditto for changes in the operation of a given welfare system, or just about any other reform proposed by someone who is right-of-center.

Furthermore, are we not increasingly told that speech itself is a form of violence? There are those who espouse physical violence as justified to silence speech that is offensive. So, say Antifa leaders, and other left-wing personalities and organizations talking heads. It has become apparent that hostility to and mistrust of intellectualism is so consuming campus life that even a slight deviation from political correctness on questions of identity can incite derisive vilification.

What is happening on college campuses is an indicator of what is happening in elite culture, the DC Swamp, the arts and entertainment community and many of those characters who live within those mentioned confines. Crux or essential point: having lost all interest in ideas (to the extent that they have diddly-squat, nil, zero to say) the political left, elitists, cohorts have turned to identity culture – asserting that people have rights and obligations based on their genes or their ethnicity or their gender. If you disagree with them, they will not debate the merits of the case. They will instead attack you as an enemy of the groups for whom PC requires sympathy. And they will encourage members of those groups to lash out against you – violently in some cases – because in the world of the asinine, clueless or witless, aggression is the only thing left. They are a world in themselves, void of savoir-faire and notions; or is it brainwaves? Then again, I digress.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Strategic Bombing and Contemporary Politics

Being a retired Army Officer and lay political analyst, let me briefly touch on Strategic bombing and its relationship to contemporary politics. Strategic bombing is designed to destroy a country's ability to wage war by demoralizing civilians and targeting features of an enemy's infrastructure that are essential for the production and supply of war materials. One of its main objectives is to demoralize the enemy so concessions will be made and the enemy conquered. Taking this a step further, this battle strategy is now being used in the culture wars, as we saw several months ago in my state of residence, North Carolina prior to the repeal of House Bill 2 (the law prohibiting controversial bathroom policies from going into effect). More recently, we have seen similar strategy used throughout the nation in eliminating statues that some find fault on moral/cultural grounds.

In Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals,” which many on the left use as a guide for today’s cultural battle plans. He states: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.” And that’s exactly what we saw in North Carolina and more recently across the nation, reference long dead Southern Civil War leaders/statesman. Threats of economic disaster stacked upon us from the leftist media outlets across America to include NPR, all before a crucial vote to repeal HB2. It was nothing less than strategic bombing, with the use of projected economic losses instead of proven economic gains.
The facts as I understand them are that NC has thrived economically since the passing of HB2, yet those facts simply got in the way of the radical left. So, they fire stormed us with fake news to drum up our imagination that North Carolina was headed into the proverbial outhouse hole if we kept the law in place. Again, as I understand the facts; Tourism was thriving and the economy was expanding in North Carolina despite bathroom bill desertions.
Just days before the vote, the AP circulated a bogus report that NC was going to suffer huge financial losses, upward of $4 billion in income. And with that diminutive projectile of guile, the strategic bombing began. Suffice it to say little to none of these reported the positive economic facts mentioned above, but only the monetary threats from the AP analysis. It was nothing less than strategic bombing – and it worked.
Many of the same state representatives who took a moral stand for the safety and privacy of women and children decided it was no longer politically expedient to do so, and they switched their votes. The law was repealed. No matter where you stand on HB2 or the new law, the reality is that strategic media bombing will be used on future moral issue the left wants to be reversed or indorsed. So moving forward, be sure to pay attention and prepare to fight back.
One may ask, what is the best way to fight back? Just tell the truth. G.K. Chesterton once said, “When deceit becomes universal, truth becomes a revolutionary act.” We need political truth revolutionaries today – ones willing to stand up and not back down when the strategic bombs start falling again. And they will fall again!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Reject Reality and Hope to Get Well is No Remedy

Without doubt, there are churches which have walked out on their God-given calling to teach the whole counsel of God. Some have fallen away because they now worship at the altar of political power (a failing of both the right and the left), others because they have become unanchored from the Christian texts (scriptures), that are central to Christianity’s set of beliefs and just want to be what is considered in cultural terms relatable and/or trendy.  But hearing pundits in media railing against the Church for not addressing animus and social injustice indicate that they have not been paying attention. 

What some of these people really want is just another political opportunity to assail the Church -- this is nothing new. They want to paint the church as roguish or at least impotent, regarding the confrontation of moral maliciousness in their culture. But they are very particular about the moral evils they want the church to address. Do these same people call for the Church to speak regularly and forthrightly about lying, extramarital sex, disobedience to parents, therapeutic or induced abortion, or blasphemy? Well, if they attended a church where God's Word was fully preached, they'd hear all that from the pulpit, as well as the charge to love your neighbor as yourself. But we don't get to selectively choose from what is available. If you appeal to Jesus to be Lord of racial reconciliation, don't be surprised if He also demands to be Lord of your sexuality, your finances, and your conversation. God is not a political consultant. He is God. 

The problem we humans face, as the late English writer, orator and lay theologian, G.K. Chesterton so rightly noted, is not a failure of the Church: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult, and left untried." Chesterton’s point, as I see it: The Christian ideal has also been found, for any person wanting to point the finger at others while desiring to continue in their own favorite sins, slightly inconvenient. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Mayhem is Coming

Mayhem is coming to a city or town near you, and it won’t be a response to oppression but the result of aggression – against God and our constitutional form of government. The increasingly violent acts in our streets, town-hall meetings and university campuses are simply birth pangs for a greater upheaval that’s brewing hot – and it’s not by accident.

Although the narrative is that street protests and student uprisings are simply a response to Trump as president or guest speakers with conservative values, the truth is they are coordinated attacks resulting from a subversive anti-God, anti-American ideology that has indoctrinated our secondary and post- secondary educational institutes/universities for many years. Simply put, it is an agenda driven by socialists with various courses of action whose desired result is implementation of a Marxist type government, in which they decide this, that or the other.

Allow me to explain. The full list of goals, of which I have read, can be found in the Congressional Record – Appendix, Pages A34-A35, Jan. 10, 1963. For the sake of brevity, a condensed summary follows:

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts...soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers' unions. Put the party line in text books. Gain control of all student newspapers. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the common man. Belittle all forms of American culture, and discourage the teaching of American history because it was only a minor part of the big picture. 

Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press...Break down cultural standards of morality. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition, that students and special-interest groups should rise-up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems. 

Sound familiar? These goals aren’t simply being taught to our impressionable youth, they have ensnared the pubescent and the adolescent has fallen victim to the anti-American ideology – and now carried out. The problem is many of the cultural leaders in this movement, are now calling for – and sometimes even demanding – bloodshed. Think BLM, Antifa, even elected progressive far left government representatives. Unless one has been in a coma for a few years they have heard the clarion call for conservative bloodshed from progressive “voices of reason.” Is this not serious rhetoric or threats coming out of the mouths of those on the left - calls for, violence, carnage…blood! More alarming; calls for bloodshed is on the rise.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Time to Play the Trump Card

So, what are Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Harris, Warren and other left-wing Democrats doing to resurrect their party? They’re bringing back Barack Obama. According to media reports, Obama will start campaigning for Democrats in the fall. The left is so blinded by their hatred for Trump and the good that he represents that all they can do is reach to the past. The fact that Trump is impervious to their lies and grows stronger under stress is infuriating them even more. Is this not the perfect opportunity for conservatives to advance their agenda, and help President Trump “Make America Great Again”?  

We already know the Russia story has been an attempt by the left to create a cloud of suspicion around Trump to take him down. We know Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stacking his investigative team with Democrats. We also know that Mueller and FBI leaker, Comey are friends. It’s past time Sen. McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan to put an end to this masquerade. We now know Barack Obama knew the Russians were attempting to meddle with the election, and he did nothing to stop it. Do you think it’s time for an investigation into what Obama knew and when he knew it? While doing that, why not investigate Loretta Lynch’s involvement in the cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Novel idea! 

What can we as conservatives do to force our GOP representatives, to support Trump? Answer; Support him by forcing our elected representatives to support his promises on jobs, tax cuts, homeland security, enhanced military, Illegal immigration, healthcare (scratch that one)…essentially “America First.” 

As Trump standard bearers, we must continue to encourage support for his continued direct interaction with the public. Has not Trump, already displayed his mastery in the art of bypassing MSM to get his message directly to the American citizen? Trump also likes being with the people. Since his rallies are exceptionally large and he always makes news, the media must cover him. I further suggest the GOP should learn from President Trump and take their message directly to the people. They need to leverage social media and give more access to real news voices on radio, TV and other media outlets. 

As Trump supporters, we should speak out against those who espouse hatred and vehemence and be accessible to the American people. Barack Obama divided this nation like no other president in recent history. Now that Democrats are floundering, they’re bringing Obama back to seed the fields with division once again. Conservatives can blunt this by working with all minorities. They need to hold town-hall meetings and forums in cities across America. Engage the citizenry in frank dialogue about jobs, reclaiming lives, school choice and making cities safe again. Seeing and meeting Republicans in person will have an impact. It helped Trump get more black votes than any other Republican in recent history. 

By all appearances the left is suffering from a strain of politico-amoebic dysentery and exposed. It is utterly bewildered by Trump. Conservatives should begin playing their Trump card in order to triumph over the left. If they endorse these notions summarily with audaciousness, they and we, the people will prevail.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Progressive's Highway to Globalism via Socialism's Toll Roads

Bigger government may not be lunacy to the far-left progressives who have been eroding the Constitution, thus moving us closer to socialism and a collective state. Why, one may ask would the democratic party take America down the road to collectivism? I surmise, it is what the progressive lives for. It has become apparent, it is a means to achieve their end. And just when one thinks it’s safe and cease paying attention, here they come again. Is this not the archetypal “top down, bottom up” thinking of our left-wing progressive socialist thinking brethren? The big question that all Americans should be asking; in what ways should the members of a society or nation state be made equal?  

Through admittedly, not very exhaustive research, I have become familiar with the far left progressive “top down, bottom up” philosophy that has been and is currently being employed by Democrat leadership and their lieutenants. This philosophy has been labeled, the Hegelian/Marxist approach. The exercise is as antediluvian as politics itself. It is the “Hegelian Dialectic of bringing about change in three stages: Thesis, Anti-thesis and Synthesis.” The first step is to create a problem. The second step is to generate opposition to the problem via trepidation, dread, fear, hysteria...The third and final step is to offer the solution to the problem created in step one: any change would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychosomatic operant conditioning achieved in steps two and three.

Put into operation, the Hegelian Dialectic, and alluring monetary influence, obscured change proxies seek to dismantle societal and partisan structures by which free men govern themselves. Do not the exponents of this political philosophy appear to be globalists? Do not advocates of globalization tend to promote and encourage such policies as increases in immigration, intrusion, and global governance? What is the objective of those who champion Globalism? One can only surmise as I, that the globalists intent is to devitalize independent states, amalgamate nations under universal government, centralize economic powers and control the world’s people and resources. 

Could not universal control over all nation’s economies, peoples, and resources easily morph into One World Government? Who then decides what’s best for the whole, much less the individual? Are we now seeing the initial metamorphous stages of this governing philosophy within some of our own current government branches?  Could there be a master plan in the works? There is more than a strong possibility it is. Look no further than government mandated healthcare, secularization of our religious, educational, social  institutions/organizations, immigration, taxes, seemingly perpetuity of congressional tenure, fake news, sanctuary cities, genocide of the of the innocent for convenience (abortion on demand at Tax payers expense)...

Monday, July 24, 2017

Who Do We Fight?

Do you believe in political involvement? Do you believe in social action? Do you believe in taking responsibility for our nation, even the world? Do you believe in rolling up our sleeves and getting involved and being agents of positive change? Do you also believe that our greatest battle is a spiritual battle – not a political battle or even a social battle and we do our country a disservice when we neglect the spiritual battle at hand? Do you believe as I, all the above?

Did not the Apostle Paul explain to the believers in Ephesus that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places?” What? Organized cosmic powers of darkness? Demonic forces arrayed in heavenly places? Joking aside, are we, in all seriousness supposed to accept this? We ignore the spiritual realm to the peril of our own souls. That’s why Paul exhorted his readers to “take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.” Are we not in a spiritual war?

In no way am I downplaying earthly realities one iota. I am not saying that we’re not fully responsible for our actions. We are, and we can no longer say, “The devil made me do it.” I am not saying that some Democratic policies are not categorically vile or that some Republicans are not suspect or that some of our government’s decisions are Au fait or well informed. And, I am absolutely not saying that instead of voting and petitioning and speaking up and taking stands we should just stay home and pray. I  am saying that we have focused way too much on natural things and not nearly enough on spiritual things. I am saying that we, Christian conservatives have put too much trust in Party politics. Our hope is in God's hands, and only He can bring about changes America and the West so desperately needs.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Left's Spin on History is Re-write it.

George Orwell said, "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." Did not the old Soviet Union, use censorship, historical revision and liquidation of undesirables? Do you, the reader think these mentioned tactics involved political spin? Is not political spin a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of event(s) or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against something or someone? Does not spin imply the use of duplicitous, deceit, and questionable Machiavellian stratagem? 

Bigger question! Is this taking place in America as we speak? Are there not efforts to rewrite history in the U.S., albeit less tyrannical as that in the Cold War days. Are not the terms slavery, bondage, serfdom  being used by spinmeisters as a tactic of revisionists? Did not New Orleans Mayor have General Robert E. Lee’s monument removed in May? Did not the Former Memphis Mayor campaign to remove a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the graves of both he and his wife removed from a Memphis city park? In Richmond, Virginia, there have been calls for the removal of the Monument Avenue statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart. Have not these history revisionists enjoyed nearly absolute success in getting the Confederate flag removed from state capitol grounds and other public places?

Slavery is an undeniable fact of our history. The costly war fought to end it is also a part of the nation's history. Neither will go away through cultural cleansing. Removing statues of Confederates and renaming buildings are just a small part of the true agenda of America's leftists. What’s next on the left’s revision list? Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin all expunged because, “way- back- win,” they owned slaves. Will the people demanding secondary schools named after a Confederate Civil War icons be changed? Does that mean this writer never attended Robert E. Lee High School or Kirby Smith Middle School?

Rewriting American history is going to be challenging. Just imagine the task of sanitizing Mount Rushmore. The challenges of rewriting American history are endless, going beyond relatively trivial challenges, such as finding some new faces for Mount Rushmore. Consider that roughly half of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were slave owners. Do those facts invalidate the U.S. Constitution, and would the history revisionists want us to convene a new convention to purge and purify our Constitution?

The job of tyrants, leftists and mischief-makers is continuous. When they accomplish one goal, they move their agenda to something else. If we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. So, I say, don't give them an inch in the first place. The hate-America types use every tool at their disposal to achieve their agenda of discrediting and demeaning our history. Our history of slavery is simply a convenient tool to further their cause. Frankly, I say to hell with them and their mainspring. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Pathological Vehemence

Until recently, the left’s phobic loathing of President Donald Trump was mostly peaceful. Senseless, yes but non-violent nevertheless. Democratic members of Congress, without reserve insisting, he must be impeached, though unable to expose a single crime he’s committed. The “mainstream media” endlessly obsessed with conspiracy theories of Trump’s “Russian collusion,” even though every intel official testifies there’s no evidence. Progressive psychiatrists long-distance diagnosing Trump as “mentally ill.” The tabloids and MSM frequently comparing him to Hitler. A United Church of Christ bishop insisting Trump’s proposed budget is designed for “ethnic cleansing” –synonym for extermination, liquidation or genocide. And, the merry-go-round, goes around and around. 

 Are we not gazing at pure lunacy at this juncture? Consider where we are: In Trump’s brief time as president, has he not appointed a conservative constitutionalist to the Supreme Court? Is he not rebuilding America’s decimated military? Has he not begun the process of exchanging the failed Obamacare scheme for an alternative healthcare system at a lower cost? Has he not commenced rolling back business wrecking regulations? Has not the stock market seen historical gains?  Additionally, he has traveled to the core of the Islamic world to address dozens of Muslim heads of state, in what some say is a powerful display of American presidential leadership. Has he not pulled us out of an unfair Paris climate accord? Has he not compelled NATO to contribute more money to their defense? More amazing, Trump does all this while standing in the breach, confronting persistent attacks from all sides – from Democrats, from a preposterously antagonistic press, from ‘deep state’ Obama loyalists and even some Republicans. 

Those on the left – including the Democratic Party, its propaganda wing (the mainstream media) and many in the permanent federal bureaucracy (deep state) – feel so threatened by Trump’s presidency they are engaged in an ongoing do-or-die operation to put an end to him.  The bright side of the picture! The operation just might be a suicide undertaking because they are apt to destroy themselves in the process. One can only hope!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Indepenence Day, A Time of Reflection

For me, as we approach the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day, it is a time of reflection, a time of sweet and bittersweet memories. I reflect on America’s historical acts of defiance in the face of incredible odds as it sought to liberate itself from the bondage of an intolerant oppressive king.
I am writing this post to pay tribute to those patriots past and present, those men and women, who gave of themselves, who sacrificed so much more than I, in liberation of a beleaguered people, both here, during the American Revolutionary War and more recently abroad. I compose this post to pay homage to those who served this nation in its quest for freedom, in its quest to unfetter others from the bondage of servitude. 
For parts of four decades I wore the uniform of a Military Service Member of the United States. In my case, I spent a career in the Army. I served in times of peace and conflict. I fulfilled my duties as both an Enlisted Airborne Infantry soldier  and later as an officer serving in a verity of assignments and locations throughout the world and finally retiring, following my last duty assignment at HQ, Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 
Unlike Washington, Adams, Grant, Longstreet, Lee, Eisenhower, Patton or my father PFC Sam Alano (WWII), I have yet to fight even once to preserve America from despots like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, much less Cornwallis, Gage or King George III of 17th Century England. I am honored to have followed in the footsteps of those patriots just mentioned. I am especially privileged to have served with those men and women who gave their lives or were willing to give their lives to liberate a suppressed people from despots or ideological driven madcaps who aspired and still aspire to rule the world of their own design. 
As I have previously affirmed, America’s Independence Day is a hallowed day. It is a day of rumination honoring past and present patriots both in and out of uniform. Though many of their voices have been silenced for many years, their service to America cry Freedom from tyranny. Freedom from the shackles that bind our spirit of self-determination. Freedom from government legislation to curb Christian conscience. And Freedom from political reasoning, which too often is embraced by those of so little character. 
There may come a day when each of us will be called to respond to the cry of freedom. One will either answer the call as our Founding Fathers did in 1776…as did partisans from both North and South in 1860…as did our GI’s in 1941 and since…as did the early Church patriarchs in the 1st Century. It is my prayer and hope, we as Americans, never have to make the same choice our Forefathers made. But what if…? Is it independence or subjugation? Do we bear the cross or abandon it? Do we hold the standard high or simply drop it? As for me, it is Independence, carrying the cross and raising the standard high.  

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Ever Widening Chasm

Are there certain clarifying moments in political discourse? Are there moments that demonstrate just where various parties stand? Never has the rift been so obvious. A few short weeks ago, the left declared the world in imminent peril. Why? President Trump pulled out of the altogether meaningless Paris climate accord, a worldwide agreement requesting nonbinding commitments from signatories about future carbon emissions cuts. Reaction to the announcement was swift and not so unexpected. The hysteria was palpable. Suddenly, repudiated weather scientist Al Gore found himself in prime television slots jabbering about the end of the world. Nancy Pelosi gabbled about how Trump was "dishonoring" God. Yes, this from the DC empress of “abortion on demand.” MSM ran headlines showing the world in flames. London’s Mayor released a statement bemoaning Trump's decision. French president Macron appeared dumbfounded and bent out of shape by the pullout, meanwhile, persons of my political persuasion simply countered with, “c’est la vie” (That’s life!). Long and short of it; the agreement did virtually nothing anyway.

In early June a
three man team of Islamic terrorists drove a van into a crowd on a London bridge, and then jumped out of the vehicle and began stabbing people in surrounding establishments. As expected, ISIS claimed responsibility. The right immediately labeled the attacks yet another example of Islamic extremism gaining the momentum, linking them with the Manchester concert attack. President Trump immediately denounced the terror attacks and called for an end to PC policies, as well as campaigning for his travel ban. Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic complained about leftist multiculturalism creating room for Islamic terror growth.

Meanwhile, the left portrayed ignorance or indifference. From what I am able to confirm, following independent research one CNN “progressive” political commentator warbled about the glories of PC. A columnist for the NYT compared being killed in a terrorist attack to being "killed by a drunk driver." Democrats complained about President Trump's attacks on Khan (London Mayor), who was busy urging Londoners to stay calm after panicking about global warming just days prior.

Can anyone explain the apparent fissure between left and right? The left believes that human beings are inherently good, and that only environment defines whether they will act in evil fashion. This could very well be why Bernie Sanders has in the recent past,  connected global warming to the spike in terrorism; it could very well be why the Obama administration routinely suggested that poverty caused terrorism. Are we to believe that external circumstances dictate the morality of individual actors? Food for thought: Is this why the left argues we shouldn't hold people responsible for their actions as a rule; instead, we should reshape society. The right believes (as do I) that human beings are capable of evil on their own. That's why they see the rise of Islamic extremism more of a problem than global warming. Do good people kill each other because of global warming? They may very well, if they begin to believe macabre ideologies, or support those who do.

I ask the reader, if the rift of understanding between left and right will ever be spanned? Maybe, maybe not! It goes back to distinguishing physiognomies of human kind and our perception of that nature. Is not the tension necessitating excessive stress these days somewhat evident? To fault any person but individuals with the power of speech and upright stance in Western cultures for their own downward spiral into malevolence or sin is both analytical and reasonable. On a lighter side, I again ask; What explains the chasm between right and left? Could one conclude the “right got the righteousness and left got the leftovers?”