Monday, July 17, 2017

The Left's Spin on History is Re-write it.

George Orwell said, "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." Did not the old Soviet Union, use censorship, historical revision and liquidation of undesirables? Do you, the reader think these mentioned tactics involved political spin? Is not political spin a form of propaganda, achieved through providing a biased interpretation of event(s) or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against something or someone? Does not spin imply the use of duplicitous, deceit, and questionable Machiavellian stratagem? 

Bigger question! Is this taking place in America as we speak? Are there not efforts to rewrite history in the U.S., albeit less tyrannical as that in the Cold War days. Are not the terms slavery, bondage, serfdom  being used by spinmeisters as a tactic of revisionists? Did not New Orleans Mayor have General Robert E. Lee’s monument removed in May? Did not the Former Memphis Mayor campaign to remove a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the graves of both he and his wife removed from a Memphis city park? In Richmond, Virginia, there have been calls for the removal of the Monument Avenue statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart. Have not these history revisionists enjoyed nearly absolute success in getting the Confederate flag removed from state capitol grounds and other public places?

Slavery is an undeniable fact of our history. The costly war fought to end it is also a part of the nation's history. Neither will go away through cultural cleansing. Removing statues of Confederates and renaming buildings are just a small part of the true agenda of America's leftists. What’s next on the left’s revision list? Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin all expunged because, “way- back- win,” they owned slaves. Will the people demanding secondary schools named after a Confederate Civil War icons be changed? Does that mean this writer never attended Robert E. Lee High School or Kirby Smith Middle School?

Rewriting American history is going to be challenging. Just imagine the task of sanitizing Mount Rushmore. The challenges of rewriting American history are endless, going beyond relatively trivial challenges, such as finding some new faces for Mount Rushmore. Consider that roughly half of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were slave owners. Do those facts invalidate the U.S. Constitution, and would the history revisionists want us to convene a new convention to purge and purify our Constitution?

The job of tyrants, leftists and mischief-makers is continuous. When they accomplish one goal, they move their agenda to something else. If we give them an inch, they'll take a mile. So, I say, don't give them an inch in the first place. The hate-America types use every tool at their disposal to achieve their agenda of discrediting and demeaning our history. Our history of slavery is simply a convenient tool to further their cause. Frankly, I say to hell with them and their mainspring. 


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