Monday, July 10, 2017

Pathological Vehemence

Until recently, the left’s phobic loathing of President Donald Trump was mostly peaceful. Senseless, yes but non-violent nevertheless. Democratic members of Congress, without reserve insisting, he must be impeached, though unable to expose a single crime he’s committed. The “mainstream media” endlessly obsessed with conspiracy theories of Trump’s “Russian collusion,” even though every intel official testifies there’s no evidence. Progressive psychiatrists long-distance diagnosing Trump as “mentally ill.” The tabloids and MSM frequently comparing him to Hitler. A United Church of Christ bishop insisting Trump’s proposed budget is designed for “ethnic cleansing” –synonym for extermination, liquidation or genocide. And, the merry-go-round, goes around and around. 

 Are we not gazing at pure lunacy at this juncture? Consider where we are: In Trump’s brief time as president, has he not appointed a conservative constitutionalist to the Supreme Court? Is he not rebuilding America’s decimated military? Has he not begun the process of exchanging the failed Obamacare scheme for an alternative healthcare system at a lower cost? Has he not commenced rolling back business wrecking regulations? Has not the stock market seen historical gains?  Additionally, he has traveled to the core of the Islamic world to address dozens of Muslim heads of state, in what some say is a powerful display of American presidential leadership. Has he not pulled us out of an unfair Paris climate accord? Has he not compelled NATO to contribute more money to their defense? More amazing, Trump does all this while standing in the breach, confronting persistent attacks from all sides – from Democrats, from a preposterously antagonistic press, from ‘deep state’ Obama loyalists and even some Republicans. 

Those on the left – including the Democratic Party, its propaganda wing (the mainstream media) and many in the permanent federal bureaucracy (deep state) – feel so threatened by Trump’s presidency they are engaged in an ongoing do-or-die operation to put an end to him.  The bright side of the picture! The operation just might be a suicide undertaking because they are apt to destroy themselves in the process. One can only hope!

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