Monday, August 21, 2017

Strategic Bombing and Contemporary Politics

Being a retired Army Officer and lay political analyst, let me briefly touch on Strategic bombing and its relationship to contemporary politics. Strategic bombing is designed to destroy a country's ability to wage war by demoralizing civilians and targeting features of an enemy's infrastructure that are essential for the production and supply of war materials. One of its main objectives is to demoralize the enemy so concessions will be made and the enemy conquered. Taking this a step further, this battle strategy is now being used in the culture wars, as we saw several months ago in my state of residence, North Carolina prior to the repeal of House Bill 2 (the law prohibiting controversial bathroom policies from going into effect). More recently, we have seen similar strategy used throughout the nation in eliminating statues that some find fault on moral/cultural grounds.

In Alinsky's “Rules for Radicals,” which many on the left use as a guide for today’s cultural battle plans. He states: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.” And that’s exactly what we saw in North Carolina and more recently across the nation, reference long dead Southern Civil War leaders/statesman. Threats of economic disaster stacked upon us from the leftist media outlets across America to include NPR, all before a crucial vote to repeal HB2. It was nothing less than strategic bombing, with the use of projected economic losses instead of proven economic gains.
The facts as I understand them are that NC has thrived economically since the passing of HB2, yet those facts simply got in the way of the radical left. So, they fire stormed us with fake news to drum up our imagination that North Carolina was headed into the proverbial outhouse hole if we kept the law in place. Again, as I understand the facts; Tourism was thriving and the economy was expanding in North Carolina despite bathroom bill desertions.
Just days before the vote, the AP circulated a bogus report that NC was going to suffer huge financial losses, upward of $4 billion in income. And with that diminutive projectile of guile, the strategic bombing began. Suffice it to say little to none of these reported the positive economic facts mentioned above, but only the monetary threats from the AP analysis. It was nothing less than strategic bombing – and it worked.
Many of the same state representatives who took a moral stand for the safety and privacy of women and children decided it was no longer politically expedient to do so, and they switched their votes. The law was repealed. No matter where you stand on HB2 or the new law, the reality is that strategic media bombing will be used on future moral issue the left wants to be reversed or indorsed. So moving forward, be sure to pay attention and prepare to fight back.
One may ask, what is the best way to fight back? Just tell the truth. G.K. Chesterton once said, “When deceit becomes universal, truth becomes a revolutionary act.” We need political truth revolutionaries today – ones willing to stand up and not back down when the strategic bombs start falling again. And they will fall again!

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