Sunday, August 27, 2017

A World Void of Savoir-faire and Notions

Like a political party without intention, university campuses are void of ideas. Historically, colleges and universities in America represented fountainheads of free inquiry. Were they not at one point in time places where the free exchange of ideas was acceptable and stimulated? Did not important public policy plans, schemes, proposals in part, historically come from academia?

Sadly, no more. The ship of academic enlightenment has sailed. In its place, we find a junk (ancient Chinese sailing vessel) moored on our university cesspools. Are not our post-secondary schools increasingly infected by the idea that people have rights and responsibilities based on their genes? Or their ethnic affiliation? Or their gender or lack thereof? Or their sexual preferences? Instead of discussing whether school vouchers would help unfetter the disadvantaged school age children from the bondage of educational disparities that lead to manifest failings in low achieving schools. From what I have seen and heard, some campus protestors, to include some professors are claiming that even hearing the case for vouchers “marginalizes” black students. Ditto for changes in the operation of a given welfare system, or just about any other reform proposed by someone who is right-of-center.

Furthermore, are we not increasingly told that speech itself is a form of violence? There are those who espouse physical violence as justified to silence speech that is offensive. So, say Antifa leaders, and other left-wing personalities and organizations talking heads. It has become apparent that hostility to and mistrust of intellectualism is so consuming campus life that even a slight deviation from political correctness on questions of identity can incite derisive vilification.

What is happening on college campuses is an indicator of what is happening in elite culture, the DC Swamp, the arts and entertainment community and many of those characters who live within those mentioned confines. Crux or essential point: having lost all interest in ideas (to the extent that they have diddly-squat, nil, zero to say) the political left, elitists, cohorts have turned to identity culture – asserting that people have rights and obligations based on their genes or their ethnicity or their gender. If you disagree with them, they will not debate the merits of the case. They will instead attack you as an enemy of the groups for whom PC requires sympathy. And they will encourage members of those groups to lash out against you – violently in some cases – because in the world of the asinine, clueless or witless, aggression is the only thing left. They are a world in themselves, void of savoir-faire and notions; or is it brainwaves? Then again, I digress.

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