Monday, August 7, 2017

Time to Play the Trump Card

So, what are Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Harris, Warren and other left-wing Democrats doing to resurrect their party? They’re bringing back Barack Obama. According to media reports, Obama will start campaigning for Democrats in the fall. The left is so blinded by their hatred for Trump and the good that he represents that all they can do is reach to the past. The fact that Trump is impervious to their lies and grows stronger under stress is infuriating them even more. Is this not the perfect opportunity for conservatives to advance their agenda, and help President Trump “Make America Great Again”?  

We already know the Russia story has been an attempt by the left to create a cloud of suspicion around Trump to take him down. We know Special Counsel Robert Mueller is stacking his investigative team with Democrats. We also know that Mueller and FBI leaker, Comey are friends. It’s past time Sen. McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan to put an end to this masquerade. We now know Barack Obama knew the Russians were attempting to meddle with the election, and he did nothing to stop it. Do you think it’s time for an investigation into what Obama knew and when he knew it? While doing that, why not investigate Loretta Lynch’s involvement in the cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Novel idea! 

What can we as conservatives do to force our GOP representatives, to support Trump? Answer; Support him by forcing our elected representatives to support his promises on jobs, tax cuts, homeland security, enhanced military, Illegal immigration, healthcare (scratch that one)…essentially “America First.” 

As Trump standard bearers, we must continue to encourage support for his continued direct interaction with the public. Has not Trump, already displayed his mastery in the art of bypassing MSM to get his message directly to the American citizen? Trump also likes being with the people. Since his rallies are exceptionally large and he always makes news, the media must cover him. I further suggest the GOP should learn from President Trump and take their message directly to the people. They need to leverage social media and give more access to real news voices on radio, TV and other media outlets. 

As Trump supporters, we should speak out against those who espouse hatred and vehemence and be accessible to the American people. Barack Obama divided this nation like no other president in recent history. Now that Democrats are floundering, they’re bringing Obama back to seed the fields with division once again. Conservatives can blunt this by working with all minorities. They need to hold town-hall meetings and forums in cities across America. Engage the citizenry in frank dialogue about jobs, reclaiming lives, school choice and making cities safe again. Seeing and meeting Republicans in person will have an impact. It helped Trump get more black votes than any other Republican in recent history. 

By all appearances the left is suffering from a strain of politico-amoebic dysentery and exposed. It is utterly bewildered by Trump. Conservatives should begin playing their Trump card in order to triumph over the left. If they endorse these notions summarily with audaciousness, they and we, the people will prevail.

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