Monday, October 23, 2017

In Midst of Evil Comes Comfort

Following the Las Vegas massacre, the knifings in Marseille, France and the vehicular homicides in Great Britain and the many other acts of depravity occurring weekly, even daily throughout Europe and America, I was struck by how unwittingly we come into contact or rub elbows with malevolence. How we share the thoroughfares and roadways or pathways with hollowed-out men and ignoble or craven women whose capacity for debauchery knows no bounds. It would be expedient or convenient if such people all looked the same, but sadly, they don’t. They look just like us. And so, we dine and drink with them in eateries, cafes and pubs unknowingly. We walk by them in outlet malls, sit next to them in theaters, and maybe even hold the door for them as they smile and gesture in thanks.

I am aware these are not heartening words. The world is as uncertain as the people in it, and we share this world with some extremely indeterminate entities. But we also share it with existing evidence that expectation will never die.

Take comfort in unknown bystanders who shield others with themselves to save total strangers. Draw encouragement knowing Law Enforcement Officers sprint towards the shooter, the knife wielding terrorist, or the radical Islamist running down innocent pedestrians. Grasp the moment; these everyday people are no less real than the assassin(s).

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