Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11, A Day of Awakening and Recognition

Few Americans of sound mind, patriotic heart and a soul will ever forget 9/11/2001. Though the legacy of September 11, 2001 attacks may not be fully known for years to come. For hundreds of thousands of Americans, to include myself, that fateful day changed everything. The day changed all of us. It changed America. And it changed the world.  

But I ask the reader if he/she recalls what happened on September 11, 2012? Allow me to refresh your memory. A planned assault occurred on the Benghazi Consulate, which was being monitored in real time by U.S. intelligence as the terrorists were allegedly using U.S. mobile phones. Hours into the attack, Hillary Clinton spoke via secure landline with President Obama and no attempt was made to rescue U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three CIA operatives. A few hours later, the administration blamed the attack on a video insulting Islam, produced by an obscure independent filmmaker who has since purported to have had links with the U.S. Justice Department.   

It is my understanding (from public source material) the next morning, Hillary Clinton’s State Department contacted various social media outlets requesting them to expurgate speech insulting the followers of Mohammedan. The administration began a concentrated campaign aimed at blue-penciling or censoring speech affronting Islam, as President Obama in a UN address, thirteen days later stated: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”   

Later reports surfaced that America had supplied guns to the terrorists overthrowing Gaddafi, Libya’s leader at the time, and that these guns were being moved through Benghazi to arm terrorists overthrowing Syria's leader, Bashar al Assad, and are now being used by ISIS terrorists to overthrow it’s adversaries. This begs the question; is this not part of a comprehensive Muslim Brotherhood goal of re-establishing Shariah Muslim nations under a supreme authority Muslim leader or caliph?   

It is my opinion, based on events since and prior to 911, establishment of Shariah Law, either within or outside a Muslim Caliphate is counterproductive to peace and individual freedoms in America, Europe, the Mideast, Muslims in general, and especially women living within/alongside Islamic cultures that adhere to Sharia Law. There is no future for those in the West who promote, encourage and support the institution of, or restoration of or re-establishment of Shariah Law or tenants contained therein. In summary, "the future must not belong to those who champion Shariah Law." 

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