Saturday, December 22, 2018

Could America’s Mr. Smith or Maid of Orleans be President Trump

Remember the movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington? If not, research it for background to the following question: Where do you suppose this prodigious Mr. Smith type courageousness comes from – the rare, almost mythological, ethereal makeup we desire our elected representatives/leaders to possess, which will mysteriously empower them to battle like The Maid of Orleans (Saint Joan of Arc) against the all-consuming,  all-controlling, all-excessive English domination of France late in the Hundred Year War? As we answer that, let’s get one fact clear: America is at war within her own borders. 

For Conservatives, could our Joan of Arc be Donald Trump? Instead of liberating France from English tyranny as the Maid of Orleans played a central role, Trump fights to free America from the all-consuming, all controlling, all excessive progressive socialist coalition of ideologues that comprise today’s Democrat Party and some within the GOP, otherwise known by many as the DC Elites, Beltway Bandits, even the Deep State. Regardless to the tag, make no mistake, we are at war. 

Arrayed on one side are the forces for limited, constitutional government, unfettered free-market capitalism and traditional Judeo-Christian morality; those who desire freedom to succeed or fail, who realize that as government enlarges, liberty diminishes and who believe in American exceptionalism ultimately is grounded in, and dependent upon, self-governing, self-discipline, moral and religious citizens.

On the other side are all the individuals who consider the first group to be prejudicial, unwarranted, callous, avaricious, self-centered, narrow-minded, xenophobic, bloodsucking, voracious, and most likely malevolent. It is this side, so full of alleged grievances against the first that currently dominates much of our Pillars/Columns/Estates of American government. Specifically, the third (Judiciary), fourth (Mainstream Media) and fifth (Social Media). Along with the mentioned pillars, I would be remiss if I failed to list academia, Silicon Valley and a majority of those associated with arts and entertainment as part and parcel to the second group.  

In this war, our elected government representatives are supposed to be America’s champions, fighting on our behalf in the beltway arena. Do we not send them to Washington to do just that? Do we send them to Washington to be members of an elite, permanent, bipartisan country club to enjoy and enrich themselves or build careers and fortunes for themselves at taxpayers’ expense? Like our soldiers, do we not raise them up to do battle and guide them on the right path on our behalf and hold them accountable? 

For conservatives, the battle is brutal at present, as the other side pretty much owns the Judiciary Branch, The clear majority of Mainstream Media, Silicon Valley, Academia, Arts and Entertainment , culture mouthpieces and Social Media Websites. Yet, with so much at stake, conservatives must stand firm, with the belt of truth buckled around their waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and the feet fitted with the readiness of a warrior. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which one can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the left.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Conservative Patriots clad in their armor and helmets, wielding their swords and shields must continue to wage battle if Right over Left is to prevail. To do otherwise is to surrender the soul of our Constitutional Republic to the proponents and thus eventual ravishes of neo-Marxism.

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