Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Nurturing of Victimhood by The Democrat Party's Liberal Left

How much longer will the Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood?  Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 54-year-old, Supreme Court conservative nominee allegedly was involved in a compromising sexual encounter, at a party when both were 17 years old. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough systemic racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. Anyone who has a brain to think with and been conscious for the last thirty years or so, should know that the uniquely institutional American sin of racism has long been a thing of the past.

An honest assessment of America’s 44th President must conclude that Obama got more votes because of the color of his skin than were cast against him for it. Once upon a time in America people wanted to feel robust, strong, accomplished, capable and talented to handle their own problems and difficulties instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called patriots, purists, nationalists, conservatives, independents, even old school democrats….and they come in all colors, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political persuasion and religious beliefs.

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