Thursday, October 11, 2018

Comparative is Too Large to Quantify

I listened to the Kavanaugh hearing on television, I have read both conservative and liberal op-eds and listened to legal heads within/outside of the political arena. My comments/beliefs are that the comparative is too large to quantify, as evidenced by Senate Judiciary Democrat Committee members rhetoric and questions posed. All this being said, one is able to conclude that the Democrat party is not interested in the truth nor the rule of law. An accuser, who was clearly damaged but had no idea as to what happened to her. The accused, a victim of slander, Judge Kavanaugh has skillfully and rightfully so, criticized the Democrat Committee members for their spineless conduct, stood up for what he believed to be right and defended his name and his family in the same forceful way he has championed Constitutional Law in his decision-making process. 

Is this man, who this nation does not deserve, but one essential to counteract the degeneracy, depravity and shamelessness that currently grips a divided government/America needed? Yes! Was not Judge Kavanaugh above board in defense of himself, his judicial record, and his expectations? Yes! Have not the Democrats managed to live down to all the low expectations they have become known for? Most affirmatively! Does the comportment of Democrat Committee members, their party and constituents come as a surprise? No! Does it come as a revelation or eye-opener that Democrat leadership plan to call for impeachment of Kavanaugh should they gain a majority in the house in November? Not really! Is this not a sham and a shame? Yes! Did Judge Kavanaugh deserve to be the next jurist on the United States Supreme Court? Worthy is the man.

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