Thursday, June 28, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy at The Gate and Within

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy at The Gate and Within: Did not the Democratic Party once produce presidents such as Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy? Were not major Democrat party leaders fierc...

The Enemy at The Gate and Within

Did not the Democratic Party once produce presidents such as Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy? Were not major Democrat party leaders fierce opponents of mass immigration because they recognized the negative impact it had on American workers wages? Did not America's center-left party present itself as a friend to American workers, fighting for their interests against corporate chiefs? The answer to all three opening questions are yes.
Regretfully, the Democratic Party of the past is not the Democratic Party of today. Indeed, the current Democratic Party is more concerned with defending international socialism than American workers. Today's Democratic Party has completely abandoned the middle ground. It is now a full-on progressive party with an agenda and platform almost indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party, or Democratic Socialists of America. 

There is little doubt the Democrats of today would be marching in the streets against traditional Democrats such as President Truman or JFK. The Democratic Party has not always been characterized by unquestioning support for open borders. Indeed, the American left's sudden backing of mass immigration is relatively recent. One can argue, today’s Democratic Party has abandoned even the pretense of trying to help American workers. Instead, they seek to gain power by essentially replacing the current American people with a new one. Prior to the tail end of the last millennial (1990’s) the Democrats were unfalteringly opposed to lax border security.

Why the change in ideology, knowing illegal immigration disproportionately harms both the black community and their white working-class base?  The Democratic plan is simply to replace American citizens. The left wants to expand the Democratic Party voting base to create a socialist one-party state. The simplest way to do this is to flood America with immigrants from 3rd World nations, who have little interest in the Constitution and are reliable Democratic voters.

Is there hope for the future? Yes! America’s future lies in the hands of the 45th President of the United States. President Trump can counter the Democrats' identity politics driven strategy with policies that will help American workers of all ethnic backgrounds. He should be dramatically reducing all immigration via a Wall on the Southern border, immigration reform and promoting America First, low tax, high growth policies which will win over significant numbers of working class, black, Asian and Latino voters. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Tides of Tyranny: Why not Discriminatory Immigration

Tides of Tyranny: Why not Discriminatory Immigration: Unless one has been asleep at the wheel, they are aware that the mainstream media has had many a field day reporting on President Trump’s ...

Why not Discriminatory Immigration

Unless one has been asleep at the wheel, they are aware that the mainstream media has had many a field day reporting on President Trump’s alleged use of socially offensive language as it pertains to Immigrants (legal or otherwise). Has not the stir over rough linguistics reinforced the point Trump was making? Why should we not be more discriminatory about the émigrés and others we allow to enter America? 

Whether or not Trump used disparaging words to describe impoverished countries, which have been plagued by political systems that do not reward hard work, Trump is right that most of the people living there are not prepared to immigrate here without imposing a burden on Americans. Most of the people in the rest of the world just don’t have the skills to support themselves in our high-tech society. Too many Americans have been misled by the sentimental myth that our immigration policy is based on "...give me your tired, your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.” 

Did not Donald Trump, on the day he declared he was running for president, vow to change the way our immigrants are selected and screened? His point, then and now, is that we’re not selecting the best candidates for immigration from among the much larger number of people who do not share our values. As I and anyone with a brain to think with knows that generally, immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, most African nations and more than a few predominately Islamic nations have the least education. Furthermore, most are functionally illiterate in our language and live in households that depend on at least one or multiple welfare program(s). Here's a unique idea: Why not raise American workers salaries, house and feed our own homeless, and improve our veterans care and compensation, instead of bringing more of someone else's tired, poor and wretched refuse? 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Politicization of Everything

There was a time when we used to be an America that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of liberalism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that liberals have degraded our culture, but these are the superlative of the bad.

Want to watch a professional football game? There are players taking a knee to protest the flag. Turn on a celebrity self-gratification awards ceremony? There are actors/actresses causing consternation by making partisan political statements. Want to go to the bathroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. You’re just a regular person telling a suggestive joke you heard? Better be careful; that could turn into a front-page confected scandal if the wrong person/group gets offended. Want to buy a holiday costume for your child? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same race or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be racist. Ready to marry your best friend and sweetheart? Then you had best support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. Where have the days gone where one could just live their lives without paying heed to politics at all? That was a good thing. Remember that wise saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, in view of the fact there are liberals, we no longer have a choice. A shame, is it not?