Posts deal with issues germane to present day events; theological perspectives; Historical events of significance. Some posts are satirical in nature, others are the writers opinion. Some posts are controversial others not so much.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Tides of Tyranny: Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist...
Tides of Tyranny: Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist...: Where is my America? Was there not a time when the United States banged the drums, clanged the cymbals and blew the trumpets for autonom...
Secularizarion of The Democrat Party and Globalist Drift
Where is my America? Was there not a time when the United States
banged the drums, clanged the cymbals and blew the trumpets for autonomy,
self-determination, responsibility, civility, hard work, self-determination,
accountability, responsibility, civility, and nationalism? Surely there are
still people that still believe in those attributes. In view of the fact, that
secular liberalism now has a foothold within the Democrat party, many more
destructive ideals, reminiscent of toxic waste have seeped into our culture.
The Democrat Party as it stands today, no longer identifies with their own
nation and support for its best interests, especially to the exclusion or
detriment of the interests of other nations. No matter how one cuts the deck or
slices the cake, the secular liberal left has debased, degraded, despoiled, and corrupted America's characteristic spirit of its once prevailing tendencies and dominating characteristic. Do you get the Globalist Drift? They have traded the American ethos for the New World Order. The
Democrat Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. They are not interested
in the good of others; they are interested solely in power, pure power. Liberty is for
the Left elitists to decide for us as they see fit. Compulsory Subjugation to the
will of those in authority over the masses. Their will, our command. Nirvana
for them, not so much for us.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Tides of Tyranny: It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy
Tides of Tyranny: It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy: It's hard to overstate the importance of the midterm election results for Judeo-Christians, conservatives and those skeptical of ...
It is Time for God's Warriors to Combat the Enemy
It's hard to overstate the importance of the midterm election
results for Judeo-Christians, conservatives and those skeptical of a
progressive ideology that promises to fulfill the real or imagined needs of all
of society. With the House in Democrat hands and the Senate in Republican
hands, President Trump will have his hands full in advancing the cause of
Sanctity of Life and the cause of Religious Liberty. He will still be able to place
Originalist Judges on the Supreme Court and on the lower courts. He had made
strong moves to protect our borders and restrict illegal immigration. He has
revived our economy and strengthened our military. Now that the Democrats
control the house, the resistance will stiffen. We must continue to fight the
good fight to strengthen America’s economy, push for Immigration Reform, to
include building the Wall, stronger military, and push for less government
regulations. I ask you, has not God called every believer to be a
nurturing voice in faith and reason? This being so, is there not a Scriptural
role for Christian partisanship or activism? If that is the case, it begins with combating liberalism,
humanism, socialism, globalism, secularism and placing Christ back into our
culture. To put America and her founding values first; we must pray for
America. Go to the voting precincts in record numbers and cast our ballot for
conservativism. Let it be said of us, we have fought the good fight, we have
finished the race, we have kept the faith.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Thank a Democrat for America's Tragedy in Waiting.
Is it just me or do you also detest the idea
that some ordinary guy or gal can make an innocent off colored comment or joke
on Twitter, Facebook or any other number of social media websites and have his
or her life destroyed for it by today’s liberal Democrat brown shirt PC
Gestapo. I think it’s repulsive to see that the liberal left has welcomed with
open arms Fascism, Socialism and Sorosism. The left has done so to such
an extent that they can’t tolerate an opposing or divergent idea, be it on
their college campuses, in their board rooms or mainstream media conduits. It’s
like the whole of America is in a relationship with someone who displays those
characteristics or symptoms most often associated with persons suffering from
borderline personality disorder or in some, full-blown maladaptive patterns of
behavior, cognition and inner experience. Everyone’s walking on, metaphorically
speaking, IED lined walkways because some wallflower might get horribly upset
at, well…. just about anything and everything. Whatever happened to the notion
that if some ordinary thing pushes your button or starts your emotive engine,
it is you my friend that has the problem and it’s something you need to work
on? Oh, yeah, liberals can you just take a chill pill, see a therapist or take
one of Space X’s Elon Musk’s interplanetary space ship trips to Mars or to
another galaxy far, far away. All this leads me to a question that may or may
not be worthy mulling over. Will Political Correctness, inclusiveness or
sensitivity be America’s undoing? I will let you, the readers decide if
the question is worthy of reflection.
Monday, November 5, 2018
The Flagship of Victimhood
Is not self-victimization no more than the fabrication of
victimhood for a variety of reasons such to manipulate others, a coping
strategy or attention seeking? This being the case, has not the Democrat Party
become the flagship for promoting the self-image of victimization or victim
mentality? Does not the Progressive rhetoric of the mid-term elections speak
volumes of this? How much longer will the
Democrat liberal left continue nurturing a sense of victimhood? Only in America do
people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake
hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there
women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because
a 54-year-old, Supreme Court conservative nominee allegedly was involved in a
compromising sexual encounter, at a party when both were teens. Only in America
do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s
not enough systemic racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like
victims. Anyone who has a
brain to think with and been conscious for the last forty years or so, should
know that the uniquely institutional American sin of racism has long been a
thing of the past.
An honest assessment of
America’s 44th President must conclude that Obama got more votes because of
the color of his skin than were cast against him for it. Once upon a time in
America people wanted to feel robust, strong, accomplished, capable and
talented to handle their own problems and difficulties instead of
being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called
patriots, purists, nationalists, conservatives, independents, even old school
democrats….and they come in all colors, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
political persuasion and religious beliefs.
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