Monday, February 24, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy of The People Now and Then

Tides of Tyranny: The Enemy of The People Now and Then: Bernie Sanders, Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) ... today's Democrats are the enemy of the people. The fight between patriots...

The Enemy of The People Now and Then

Bernie Sanders, Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)... today's Democrats are the enemy of the people. The fight between patriots who love America, the constitution, smaller government, and free-market practice visa-a-vis the Left’s ideology of socialism. Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Marx, like Sanders, Warren, AOC and many within the ranks of the progressive Left have perverted the true vision of the collectivist ideal. Am I alone in assuming that most leftists have never read Marx or studied what Lenin or Trotsky really did or failed to do? Truth is Trotsky, Marx, Stalin... had little to no respect for the individual.  I contend, like many others that Sanders, Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, et all are attempting to merely redefine the Leninist practice of “breaking eggs to make omelets.” 

My views or better yet, conclusions should come as no shock to informed conservatives, old school Democrats and free-market libertarians. There is little doubt there will be a hue and cry by the uninformed and ideologically blind progressive Left, to include some within academia, and some distinct religious bodies within Christianity where progressive orthodoxy is taught/preached and dissenting perspectives are labeled as intolerable.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: Michael Moore the Doyen of Presumptuous Expression...

Tides of Tyranny: Michael Moore the Doyen of Presumptuous Expression...: Here's one for the Tinseltown moralizing category and subgroups within. Filmmaker and activist  Michael Moore, the doyen of presumptuous...

Michael Moore the Doyen of Presumptuous Expression

Here's one for the Tinseltown moralizing category and subgroups within. Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore, the doyen of presumptuous expression before thinking, recently bemoaned the state of America’s political landscape. It seems that Moore believes that sociopolitical and economic disparity is a much bigger problem than Trump and political leadership, in general, is letting on. And he knows this because he speaks for Bernie, therefore he is one of them. What is perplexing about Moore’s sanctimonious empty talk and often foul comments is how completely hypocritical they are. His girth and bulging jowls notwithstanding, Moore is not your average Hollywood do nothing, who has nothing. But when he tries to tell media representatives, and Bernie supporters and all who would listen that he knows how Americans really feel about inequality and economics, it is mind-bending-half-witted. What should be more alarming is that Michael Moore, by his words and association links himself with the sociopolitical and economically deprived. For Moore to include himself with them is more than a bit arrogant, don’t you think? I would suggest Moore spend more time analyzing Trumponomics than looking to left-wing politicians to solve the people’s problems. Finally, to Moore and his leftist politico besties I suggest he and they who label Trump a racist, xenophobe, traitor, tyrant, an enemy of the state, you must be factually correct to be morally correct.
