Nothing says America like the
First Amendment, mom, apple pie and baseball. Under the
guise of a pandemic, today’s secular progressives are fundamentally transforming our
nation into an ugly and dare I say despotic place. They have shut down our
business and closed our churches. They have punished shop keepers and moms who
let their kids play outside. You can’t lay in
the sun on the beach or plant a crop. And many of our fellow countrymen must
wear face coverings. So, let’s take stock of where we are in this
post-pandemic America: you are forbidden to physically attend church services,... you can’t hug
your mom,... you can’t eat a slice of apple pie in a local eatery... and you
can’t play baseball,.. This is not my
America. It doesn’t sound like America. If not your America, then who’s America
is it? What has become of America? Is America becoming Orwell’s 1984 or Huxley’s
Brave New World?
In the world of 1984, Big
Brother is always watching, whether it’s his face on huge posters plastered on
walls or the omnipresent telescreens or what Kenneth Burke labels terministic
screens that force you to not only act, but also think, in compliance with the powers to
be. One could argue that Orwell’s telescreens are alive and well in 2020,
taking the form of our smartphones/smart devices. There are very few places one
can go where there isn’t a voice and data communication zone nearby, and often,
that device is our very own. Our communication devices control us. Social media
enslaves us. Through the endless blitz of images that promote slogans like “Our
best day’s lie ahead”... “A fresh start for America”... “We rise,” social media and the devices
we use to access them become the ever-monitoring eye, a gaze so omnipresent and
omnipotent that we end up feeling like we must govern ourselves. The only
difference between the panopticon-like governance of 2020 and 1984 is that the telescreens exist
to govern because of an authoritarian government, whereas our smart devices exist
to govern us today only because we allow them to.
The rhetoric of fear and hate and the
medium mode that today’s socialist leaning progressive party leadership peddles
is undeniable. If the progressive left were to gain total control of America’s direction,
there is no end in sight to the destruction they would perpetuate on her citizenry’s
rights as delineated the United States Constitution. For our sake, let us pray and
hope George Orwell was right, and a civilization founded on fear and hate never sees the light of day. That being said, lets go back to hugging mom, eating apple pie, playing baseball with fans in the stands, earning a living and lastly, opening Houses of Worship to those who choose to sit in church pews