Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Message

In these times of divisiveness, social unrest, political intrigue, and Covid-19, why not take a few moments for some spiritual introspection and attitude adjustment. Do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains to be experienced. Go outside into the fields, nature, and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy on this 2020 Thanksgiving Day.

Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Epilogue

Admittedly, there are some unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our 2020 presidential election. Sadly, the confidence in the security and integrity of our elections based on dishonest maneuvering, deception, deviousness, and mismanagement have forever tainted and brought into question 2020 election results and for that matter, future election outcomes. One must look no further than the Swamp varmints infesting DC itself... The leftist/Marxist fringe groups with the intent to aggressively confront their avowed ideological enemies... Academia’s progressive socialist political homogeneity is problematic because of its  bias research and teaching, thereby academic credibility becomes questionable as does the quality of investigation, examination and instruction. Note: University professorial (PhD) staff identifying as progressive/socialist to those identifying conservative ratio is 12.7:1... Mainstream media,  because of their own leftist dogma and the corrupt industry in which they employ/manipulate their craft, commentators and journalists are more likely to report facts and statistics that liberals want you to learn and less likely to report facts and statistics that conservatives want you to learn. This is distortion theory of media bias, wherein a typical presidential election, only about 7 percent of D.C. news correspondents vote for Republicans. The bigger picture: a new consensus has emerged in MSM: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else... Silicon Valley is a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views.  Just as conservatives saw the political biases of Hollywood’s social culture reflected in movies and television, conservatives now sense their political isolation from the digital world birthed by Silicon Valley’s tech giants. And there is evidence to support this claim. Several Facebook news curators have confessed they were ordered to subjectively inject or remove stories into the site’s trending news section based on ideology. This reveals a broad perception of industry-wide anti-conservative preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience. Better stated, it is  prejudice... Albeit, not one to promote conspiratorial theories, I submit, that opportunist and/or operatives representing the Deep State/NWO elites helped fund and sustain the election chicanery/coup to oust our 45th and current President... Let us not forget the millions of ill-informed and ignorant who were conned or bought off with the promise of free stuff. The epilogue: The lessons that ought to have followed the 2016 election; lessons about the value of understanding other Americans, the necessity of countering tribalism, and the significance of the free exchange of ideas to a representative/democratic society, as evidenced in the 2020 presidential election have not been learned.