Thursday, March 25, 2021

If Freedom is Free Then Let Freedom Ring

I believe America was at first defined by freedom, then after time, America defined freedom, altering the definition to fit the recess it fits in, but keeping key components so it still gives the impression of staying true to the ideas of America’s founding fathers. America is the across-the-board symbol of freedom. However, if truth be told, is it free? Does the history of America remain faithful to the views of our forefathers? Or has the definition been altered to fit American politics, its politicians, and their policies? Has freedom defined America? Or has America defined freedom?

America’s Founding Fathers felt that this concept was of paramount importance when they were deciding what the United States of America would be, and for what raison d’ĂȘtre would it serve the people... So much so that they wrote this line into the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The importance of this paragraph is the basis for our system of government. This is what sets America apart from all other countries in the world. If you understand what this means, you know that our government is now trying to take control of many of the areas of our life, and taking away our liberty, and our freedom to make our own decisions. The Biden administration is not taking their powers from the consent of the governed, they are telling us that we are not bright enough to discuss, much less contest the issues of health care, climate change, energy, First and Second Amendment Rights, immigration, abortion, taxes, trade/economics... They are telling us that they know better than we do, what is best for us. They want to take away select freedoms to do what they think best, not what we the American citizen want. For whatever value or merit, it seems to have to you, I am of the belief; Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains. Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain. Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key. We know right from wrong. We can be free, and we can sing, even shout it from the rooftops... Let Freedom Ring!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Democrat Socialist Party is Ravaging All That Made America Great

Joe Biden himself said he wanted to close the Keystone Pipeline, stop offshore drilling, fund abortions both at home and abroad, stop all deportations, support sanctuary cities, expand asylum for illegal aliens, restore "Catch and Release" policies for illegals, Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants, end all travel bans, grant mass amnesty, rejoin Paris Climate Accord, mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035, mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, end school choice, abolish all charter schools, abolish educational standards... in the United States. Joe Biden is a cipher. In other words, he has no weight, worth, or influence. He is a nobody, a nonentity, a non-person. Biden, by all appearances is little more than a mindless drone who faithfully carries out the handler(s) commands. He may not believe personally in anything. Is there any doubt, the people behind him aggressively are backing an extremist agenda? Throw out the words liberal and left leaning and even progressive. Many Democrats today are openly embracing socialism or neo-Marxism. Think Kamala Harris. Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren. Nancy Pelosi. AOC... These radicals, like locusts, are now forming large groups of likeminded antitheist collectivists, who seek to rule the proletariats (the rank and file, working-class people...). They churn in anger as they crisscross America, all the while, conspiring to crush the flag-waving, nationalistic, jingoistic compatriots and those who advocate moral and religious ideals as do both, people of faith and traditional loyalists cherish. The Democrat Socialist Party aim is to force-feed an ideology so extremely liberal that our nation will never be the same again. Now, we see the far Left using the current pandemic to push their Orwellian socialist agenda. It is apparent the Left is leveraging the coronavirus contagion to control our most basic freedoms. There is little doubt, the Left covets the ravaging of the pillars of our free enterprise system: America’s religious, educational, and cultural institutions. AOC, one of the neo-Marxists Democrat’s young guns asserts that her party must catalog Trump supporters so they can be “held accountable.” Hello, this is not your grandparents Democrat Party! Nor is it even America’s baby boomer or X generation’s Democrat party.


Monday, March 8, 2021

Reputation of Critical Race Theory and Its Seemingly Absurd Prism Claim

A political theory and those ignorant enough to espouse it stands behind the racial unrest rocking the nation. It employs expressions like “systemic racism” to describe the nation’s attitude toward racial relationships. The theory is called Critical Race Theory (CRT). It has long been nurtured in academia. Its central thesis makes the major groupings in which humankind is divided based on physical characteristics or shared ancestry (race/ethnicity), the prism through which all aspects of life must be viewed. As such, its promoters seek to re-write history, economics, sociology, and other sciences to accommodate its Marxist focus. The theory destroys the possibility of ethnic cohesion and peace. Thus, all Americans who love their country should reject Critical Race Theory as an attempt to censure, even condemn the nation and its history. The Church should also reject the theory because it is contrary to its teaching.

There is nothing original about this foundational aspect of CRT. Its cheapjack hawkers make race the foundations of class struggle, dividing the country into oppressors and oppressed based on skin color. Thus, the theory creates and encourages the conditions for conflict, unrest, and bitterness. It allows for no peaceful racial coexistence. This theory is wrong because the Word of God teaches that society should live in social harmony, not conflict. Society is not made up of two intrinsically pernicious classifications. Rather, it is formed by an enriching variety of groups that, united in the same worship of God, give rise to a congenial Christian civilization. Critical Race Theory holds that race is the sole prism through which history, economics, sociology, science, and all aspects of life must be seen. Its promoters allow for no other explanation on how society works and always frame the debate to favor their class-struggle narrative. While race may be a prism to see reality, it can never be the prism. Other modern theories have sadly made similar untrue claims. For Marxism, it was an economic prism. For Freud, sexuality was the prism. No specific pure discipline can assert a monopolizing spin or frame of reference.