Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Slide into the River of Oblivion?

We as a nation are sliding into the river of oblivion. What do I mean by “Slide into the River of Oblivion?” Can you imagine the American flag being possibly redesigned to include a brown line to show that “people of color” are more important than has been acknowledged for centuries by the “white striped” exploitative United States...  How about reparations being enacted for African Americans...  Picture the "1619 Project" view turning into the definitive history of the founding of our Republic taught in our public schools... Can you envision an obsession with an emphasis upon equality as a sacred dimension of governance, a new Department of Equality will monitor the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of all intersectional sub-groupings, aka transsexuals, blacks, the obese, Latinos, LGBTQ’s, the unemployed... Can you visualize a Department of Equality that will be able to conduct hearings independent of the normal rules of our justice system... Ponder individual rights that are no longer considered natural or God-given but as a perverse, manmade construct used to exploit various non-white, nonmale subcultures... instead of action against the existential threat to society posed by the Biden administration or the likes thereof and the cronies attached to that administration. Sadly, some within the opposition (GOP) party see business as usual.  

Admittedly, this penman and others of like mind continue to trumpet America’s downward slide post disenfranchised. Why trumpet our nation’s downward descent? Communication with and for all right-thinking people is an important dimension of hope for the country. But some within the GOP Party leadership appear inert. They are sitting on their well-nourished butts and ignoring the deterioration of this once great nation and treating the present situation as mere policy contestations, disputations, differences... with the Democrats. We are not having “mere policy contestations, disputations, differences...” Those were days gone by, and even then, many of the differences between conservatives and progressives or leftists were not “mere” but were substantial and of extraordinary long run of significance.  No pushback by the right equals an inevitable “slide into the River of Oblivion”, a radical leftist totalitarian hell from which we may not recover.