Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bragg's "Trumped-up Charges" and Conviction is Lawfare

The breadth and impact of this action by 12 jurors, as if they were auditioning as 12 “Pinocchio’s” for Judge Merchan’s “Geppetto”, advanced our worst fears about their inefficaciousness or failure to be fair and impartial. In the face of Soro's “bought and paid for” Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s irrational actions, running years-old misdemeanors through a food processor, he created as never before heard of, much less seen in case law that made bookkeeping entries into felonies. And the jury chose to parrot Manhattan’s DA not one, not some, but all "kit and caboodle" of Alvin Bragg’s “trumped-up” charges… choosing to be swayed by convicted perjurer, Michael Cohen into an historic smear of a former president of the United States.

To call the jury weak willed, week kneed or spineless may seem too harsh, but let’s face it: among the men and women of this jury all are simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.  Additionally, two of the jurors were two second tier lawyers… and a lawyer served as foreman of the panel. Search your heart and ask yourself if you really believed that Manhattan attorneys would weigh the evidence and find it wanting would in fact deliver a not guilty verdict, knowing that they would have to return to their law firms and face the music after “letting Trump go free.” Ditto for the rest of the jurors. They each raised their right hand and swore an oath to be fair and impartial, but obviously peer pressure and ultimately prevented them from voting not guilty on even one of the 34 Bragg-manufactured charges.

Unfortunately for the Biden White House which orchestrated this 3rd World facade of a trial and their acolytes in media and entertainment like the unhinged Robert DeNiro performance outside the courtroom befitting a straitjacket. The Manhattan judgements will not “sink” Donald J. Trump. He will likely gain in the polls as Americans express their revulsion over the Joe Biden/Merrick Garland/Alvin Bragg...  “lawfare” rolled out for no other reason than to convict a political rival who is soaring in the polls.

The historical parallel for what’s coming for Democrats this November can be found in the words of Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who planned the 7 December 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor which thrust the United States into World War II. Yamamoto reportedly wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”