Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reality; Islamic Terrorists are Islamic OK

Here’s what Americans need to realize. More important than dealing with the threat of ISIS, Obama wants Americans to know the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.” As he said, no religion “condones the killing of innocents.” The question we need to ask ourselves is; why is Obama trying to make Islam appear peaceful and non-confrontational when the totality of history clearly points out the opposite is true. Fact; Islam is not a peaceful religion, and the president knows it. Do you suppose Obama’s use of force against ISIS or ISIL or IS is nothing more than a deceptive tactic meant to conciliate Americans unaware of the true nature of Islam? Fact; The jihadists and the radicals of the Islamic world are not extreme at all, they’re the ones who are following Muhammad, the last prophet of God. Unless one is blinded by their own ideology he or she has to be aware that there are Muslims all over the world perpetrating acts of extremism along with raping, slaying, and subjugating their fellow human beings explicitly for religious motives. These aren't “bad people doing bad things who happen to be Muslims; these are bad people doing bad things” because they are people of Islamic faith who have been radicalized. One word of caution; it’s a mistake to believe that Muslims are all bad people. In fact, most of them I have interacted with, particularly in the United States, are honest, law abiding citizens. Then again, I was raised in North Florida where our largest ethnic minority other than blacks were Syrian, Lebanese and Persian (Iranian). All were hard working liberty minded immigrants and first generation Americans.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wake-up and Engage

Serious fires are burning around the world and President Obama is playing golf, fundraising and issuing unnecessary executive orders regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. At home and abroad, when it comes to the big issues, Obama is increasingly missing in action or focused on less important matters. Take the border crisis. We recently learned that Obama and company ignored multiple warning signs over the past two years that a crisis was building on the U.S. southern border. In an attempt to look like he’s doing something, Obama asked Congress for billions in “emergency” funds to address the security and humanitarian issues on the border.

And then there are national security and foreign policy matters, which apparently are tiresome for the president. From the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas and the growth of Islamist terrorist networks throughout the Middle East and Africa, to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Perhaps that is because when you lead from behind, you lead from nowhere – you find yourself constantly reacting, and as appears to be the case with Obama, increasingly disengaging. He seems completely tangential and tentative of how to develop a strategy to contain aggression and terrorist threats in the Middle East.

Obama has shown a propensity to pick and choose what issues he wants to engage and the time and manner in which he wants to do so. Unfortunately, that is not how the world works: Ignoring the hard issues does not make them go away. It only makes them worse.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Islamic Terrorism, Leadership and The Church

While the deaths of innocent Palestinians who were used as human shields in Gaza are being lamented, much of the world is meeting the inhumane slaughter of Christians with near triviality. While demonstrations in Europe, America and the United Nations point their finger at Israel for defending itself against Hamas, the Middle East and Central Africa are losing entire communities of Christians.

In Africa, Islamic Terrorists have kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians, and a half million Christians Arabs have been forced from Syria. Meanwhile, too few media outlets travel to Iraq to cover the Nazi-like wave of terror that is taking power, while the United Nations and its member’s leaders are concentrating on other matters of little consequence. Furthermore, where are the celebrities and rock stars? Does not the slaughter of Christians seem to activate their self-insolated social web?

The Islamic state, is not just a loose group of fanatic Islamic terrorists, but a military force that needs to be reckoned with. To deal with it properly all military options must be on the table. The President must take a hands- off policy when it comes to strategy and tactics. An airstrike at Obama’s discretion hamstrings field commanders and emboldens those Islamic terrorists we wish to destroy. Does not the president realize that Islamic jihadists truly excels in its butchery?  Some say that it “rivals the death orgies of the Middle-Ages.” The Church in particular must cease remaining silent in the wake of Christian persecution. By Church, I mean all Christians, regardless of denomination. If you believe the Bible and possess a moral and ethical core, remain silent no more.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rouge Ideology Leads to an Abyss

If you are wondering how much pain, suffering and death a rogue ideology can cause ordinary people, you need look no further than world events today. Russia is busy regaining its Cold War status. The Mideast is on fire. North Korea is well, North Korea. Islamic terrorists are burrowing explosive-laden tunnels, razing towns, desecrating churches, raping young girls and using innocent civilians as human shields (when not crucifying people of differing faiths and beheading journalists).  America’s borders exist only on paper. The IRS has become an unlawful organization for the benefit of the ruling political party. The rule of law is dangling by a thread; death by a thousand executive order cuts. Congress ignores its own absolute power to stop the lunacy and instead goes into hiding underneath the judiciary’s skirts or kilts. The mainstream media breathe life back over the fading residues of elitist misinformation or disinformation, eagerly awaiting their election year political advertising payoffs.

Anti-Semitism and anti-Christian rhetoric are growing daily. The Emperor Nero blamed the Christians in ancient Rome. Hitler in Germany blamed the Jews. Stalin blamed both Christian and Jews alike.This time both will share the world’s wrath. The educated elite are ignorant of their own history and are therefore toiling tirelessly, readying the world to relive that history. The good news is, once the rogue nukes, poison gas and germ warfare finally make their appearance, the war won’t last very long. Wars require people of commonplace to fight them. Today the elites have put their faith in technology. Domestic surveillance, backed up by drones and the growing police state will control the domestic population. An archive of every conversation, held forever. Foreign aid will bribe their adversaries across the world. And despite the dead bodies of ordinary people, the afterlife is always just around the corner. It will be ushered in by a new world order or government, one that will wipe away every tear God has let fall in the world. Rest assured there will be consequences for the elites’ efforts, but it won’t be nirvana. It will be hell on earth. Bought and paid for by the progressive elites; our tax dollars at work. All masterminded by a being hidden from their sight, by an ideology that denies He exists. “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:34). 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Time for Accountability has Arrived

America deserves better. We deserve better than elected officials who care more about their political favors than they do about our freedom. We deserve better than a president who blatantly ignores the Constitution and our system of government rather than delivering on his/her promises to uphold and defend the Constitution. We deserve better than politicians who campaign based on a set of assurances only to have those promises abandoned once in office. The time for accountability has arrived. The American people need to work together to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions that work against our freedom and that are detrimental to the future of America. It is time that we watch every promise, every move, and every vote that those who want to represent us within government take. Giving a campaign speech is easy and, too often, those orations are filled with half-truths or fabrications. Far too many candidates tell us what they think we want to hear, but fail to follow through once they win their race. This is not how government is supposed to work. It is supposed to be filled with elected officials who stand for the Constitution, not abandon it. It is supposed to be filled with elected officials who protect our freedom, not attack it.