Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rouge Ideology Leads to an Abyss

If you are wondering how much pain, suffering and death a rogue ideology can cause ordinary people, you need look no further than world events today. Russia is busy regaining its Cold War status. The Mideast is on fire. North Korea is well, North Korea. Islamic terrorists are burrowing explosive-laden tunnels, razing towns, desecrating churches, raping young girls and using innocent civilians as human shields (when not crucifying people of differing faiths and beheading journalists).  America’s borders exist only on paper. The IRS has become an unlawful organization for the benefit of the ruling political party. The rule of law is dangling by a thread; death by a thousand executive order cuts. Congress ignores its own absolute power to stop the lunacy and instead goes into hiding underneath the judiciary’s skirts or kilts. The mainstream media breathe life back over the fading residues of elitist misinformation or disinformation, eagerly awaiting their election year political advertising payoffs.

Anti-Semitism and anti-Christian rhetoric are growing daily. The Emperor Nero blamed the Christians in ancient Rome. Hitler in Germany blamed the Jews. Stalin blamed both Christian and Jews alike.This time both will share the world’s wrath. The educated elite are ignorant of their own history and are therefore toiling tirelessly, readying the world to relive that history. The good news is, once the rogue nukes, poison gas and germ warfare finally make their appearance, the war won’t last very long. Wars require people of commonplace to fight them. Today the elites have put their faith in technology. Domestic surveillance, backed up by drones and the growing police state will control the domestic population. An archive of every conversation, held forever. Foreign aid will bribe their adversaries across the world. And despite the dead bodies of ordinary people, the afterlife is always just around the corner. It will be ushered in by a new world order or government, one that will wipe away every tear God has let fall in the world. Rest assured there will be consequences for the elites’ efforts, but it won’t be nirvana. It will be hell on earth. Bought and paid for by the progressive elites; our tax dollars at work. All masterminded by a being hidden from their sight, by an ideology that denies He exists. “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:34). 

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