Saturday, November 29, 2014

Perpetuation of Racism

It’s been a century and a half since the end of servitude and slavery in America. While some of black America seem to have gotten the word, many others have not. Is it not time that America asked itself, “Why is that?” Well, one of the reasons is that there is money to be made in race baiting and keeping the word slavery alive.

Have not more than a few “people of the cloth” made money by exploiting the myth of racism and minority repression today? Has not the Democratic Party attained political influence and made its well-to-do, white enablers fortunes at the government feeding trough, exploiting racism and the myth of slavery? Has not a host of businesses evolved that are now dependent upon “slavery reparations,” also known as welfare assistance way of life dollars, for their existence or lucrativeness?  Has not the myth of modern-day slavery built a mindset of entitlement into black thinking, resulting in a failed worldview that guarantees a life of failure and deprivation? 
All of which brings us to Ferguson. It’s a tragedy when anyone’s life ends before its time. That’s true of both a black teenager who made some poor decisions, and a white policeman who thought deadly force was his only option to save his own life. Ferguson burned and violence was unleashed. Quoting Michael Savage, “thanks to the reckless liberal media, the lawless administration…exploiting the shooting to smear police departments across the nation, phony civil rights demagogues, race-baiting politicians and radical hate groups.”

If the mentioned type racist mentality exists today, and I believe it does, it exists at the upper levels of our government down into the depths of communities like Ferguson, which are one or two poor decisions away from anarchy. Why do I say this? Look no further than Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” that transferred hundreds of billions of dollars into bank accounts of those who made the problems worse.

But atlas, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. A Ferguson, Missouri, prosecuting attorney, who is a democrat  and a grand jury gave us some respite from the evils of race baiting. Yes, they did this in spite of the unethical, ongoing, subversive interventions from the attorney general of black America and the president of black America, on the side of the Brown family, swayed a grand jury guided by the search for truth. For fact-finding is the essence of the law – the law is not an abstract idea of imagined social justice that exists in the arid minds of the perpetually aggrieved. 
Now I ask you, is there hope for tomorrow in this racially divisive country? I am not sure about tomorrow but today the sunshine is looking a little brighter through the dark clouds of exploited racism. At present, we should give thanks for a prosecuting attorney and grand jury who grasped the evidently archaic idea of ordered liberty. That was a good day for American justice. To illuminate the darkness of the perpetrators of racism we must defeat the left’s war on civil society. To do this we must speak out in defense of law enforcement and others trying to safeguard the community and advocate the rule of law. Most importantly, we as a nation need to again, embrace the God of our Founding Fathers and "seek the Lord while He may be found; call on him while He is near." And just maybe, racism and its perpetrators will become a memory of the distant past.

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