Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Who will Defend the Unborn?

Who will defend the unborn if not us? If we have ears to hear, eyes to see then we are cognizant of the Congressional and national debate concerning late term abortion. Admittedly, I follow this particular argument closely. To execute a late term abortion in itself, is nothing short of immoral. Is not dismemberment torture? In good conscience, have our political and judicial leaders abandoned the most innocent of our society?  Are these same persons of influence forgetting about fighting for the forgotten, struggling for the defenseless, and battling for the voiceless? And to think, some in office display the audacity to thump their chest and stomp their feet in support of such an injustice. Do we have anyone in our society that’s more defenseless than these soon to be born infants?
It is apparent that our executive, legislative and judicial branches of government cannot agree on when life begins. Is it at conception or actual birth? As for me, it is conception. But, that is an issue to discuss at another point and time. I ask, why cannot three branches of government come together and represent those innocent, soon to be born infants that feel pain, that survive outside the womb? Little ones that do not have supplicants (lobbyists) and affluence? Do not we stand with those little ones? Why do we the people not stay the execution of those who suffer because of an act they had nothing to do with? I contend, it is out of convenience that most abortions are performed.
If one stands with the defenseless, with the voiceless, one must, in the least, place themselves between the soon to be born child and the abortionist’s tools of trade. These implements inflict agony, pain and cruelty on the soon-to-be-born child. If our government officials, could only witness the brutalization of little infants being dismembered, feeling little one’s excruciating pain, perhaps then, we would have someone place themselves in the gap and defend these innocent ones.

Finally, what I have said to the political and judicial representatives, I, also say to all citizens. We are as responsible for these injustices as they. If this blog post offends the reader, my mission is partially complete.

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