Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Why Accommodate One Tenth of One Percent

Allow me to pose this question. Why should 99.9% of the population be forced to accommodate the preferences of one-tenth of 1 percent of the population? Do you ever ask yourself why in the world and who in the world decided to pick up an issue that affects one-tenth of 1 percent of the population and make it a dominating cultural issue and make it a concern that they use to illustrate how, in their minds, America reeks, America discriminates, America’s unfair, America is prejudice, America is biased? Because one-tenth of 1 percent of the population of men or women who think they’re the other want to use a bathroom of their choice one day? You ever ask why we have to stop everything we’re doing and turn this into the equivalent of the “Civil Rights Act of 1964?”
It appears to me, and probably others, that the whole issue is not about what happens in restrooms or showers, and it’s not about transgenders, either. Many of us perceive this as just yet another vehicle that extreme liberals are using to undermine and overthrow and transform the founding culture of the United States. Friends, it’s not civil rights. People are not going to paddle the life raft for one-tenth of 1 percent of the population here from a civil rights standpoint.
Then why is the issue of transgender bathroom usage being billed as a civil rights issue? It’s disguised as being a civil rights issue to grease the skids of passage. It’s disguised as a civil rights issue to intimidate people into silencing their opposition to it. I contend the trumped up issue is in all actuality, political fiction. What else would explain why all of a sudden a bunch of transgenders are feeling totally, utterly and singularly put upon – and unquestionably discriminated against – over bathroom usage? That my friend is feigned fiction. That’s the created drama. That is the narrative, if you will. That’s the soap opera script for the day, for the week, for the month. All people in North Carolina and other geographical areas are doing is reacting to it!
I will conclude this post with a story that was shared by one of the progressive left's favorite sons, Rush Limbaugh (just kidding). Limbaugh states: “You know, some time back in the early nineties we got a call from a guy who claimed to be a male lesbian, and we just cracked up. We thought that was the funniest thing, a male lesbian. He started explaining to us what that was. We are so far beyond that now. A male lesbian seems halfway normal.”

Need I say more about our culture, our leadership and our nation’s current path to perdition? These are my thoughts, feel free to share yours. I’m always open to all points of view. Remember, we can all agree to disagree with one another and do so in a civil manner.

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