Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What Divides America

If I were to guess at what divides America, it would be people who are incapable of accepting reality as it stands. It would be people who describe President Trump and his supporters as fascists. Fascism does not describe Trump or his followers. The liberal left is right, there are two Americas. The America that works and the America that doesn’t. The America that contributes and the America that doesn’t. The America that accepts reality and the America that shouts false innuendos and reports false narratives. It’s not the haves and the have not's. Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society and others don’t. That’s the divide in America. It is time for those who opposed Trump and supported Hillary to vacate the twilight zone and accept reality as it is. To do otherwise is foolishness.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump Be Wary of War

The primary existential threat to the West no longer comes from the East, from a Russian army crashing through Poland and Deutschland and driving for the Elbe and Fulda Gap. The existential threat to the West comes, instead, from the South. The hundreds of million inhabitants of Northwestern Africa, Middle East and sub-Sahara, whose vast numbers are expanding, are moving unalterably toward the Mediterranean, coming to inhabit the vacant places left by an aged and expiring Europe, whose Jus soli (birthright citizenship) populations progressively decreased as are evidenced by alarming yet reliable stats. Has Trump not stressed, American’s bleeding border is what concerns Americans in the here and now? It is not the borders of Estonia, South Korea, Kuwait or some small man made islands in the South China Sea.

From readily available information, to include reading/watching news worthy media and independent research. I, like many other people venture to wonder about the meaning of this, that or the other, thus I and we speculate. When Trump calls NATO “obsolete,” he is saying (my words not his) that the great threat to the West is not Putin’s recapture of a Crimea that belonged to Russia for 150 years. And if the price of peace is getting out of Russia’s face and Russia’s space, maybe we should think about it and pay it.

Notwithstanding personal opinion, chest beating, and Department Directorates designate edicts, America is not going to force China to vacate the fortified reefs in a South China Sea she claims as her national territory. Stick to that demand, and we best prepare for war.

The imperative of the new era Trump, thereby extension, we are entering is that the great nuclear powers herein mentioned not do to each other what Britain, France and Germany did to each other over a dead archduke, whose name escapes me at present.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Beware of Those Who Troll

In light of recent events as they pertain to General Michael Flynn’s resignation as President Trump’s National Security Advisor and significant discord as evidenced by leak disclosures within America’s intelligence and security departments I will present the following thoughts: Trump’s Administration is going to have serious leak problems. Trump’s running into some serious opposition in the intelligence community, and they’re undercutting him with leak after leak. That means that Trump had better bring in the oars and tighten the hatches.
Democrats, as is their usual mode operandi, are not interested in truth. Democrats are principally interested in denigrating and targeting Trump. For the most part, mass media are Salivating. The media have their kill now. They’re receiving leaks. They’re reporting. And they’re not letting up. All this drives those of us who seek a better America daft. Why, one may ask? Did not the press for the sake of argument go “absent without leave” during Obama’s Presidential tenure? But that doesn’t change the reality: the media are going to continue pressing their advantage, which means that Trump had better take command quickly, or he risks his presidency falling victim to scandals, rumormongering, betrayals in the form of leaks, etcetera.
President Trump would be well advised to recognize the deceitful Democrats and a mendacious media for who they are. They are trolling for anything Trump. Once snagged they will not let the catch jump back into the water from the line cast. Stay away from the shallow and often murky waters from which those who troll dwell.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Can We Disagree without Being Disagreeable - Not so Certain

On 20 January 2017, in Washington, DC, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president. Some people rejoiced. At these words, I did as well: “For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left. And the factories closed...The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.” Judging from the Democrat and progressive left's response the news was injurious to their flawed psyche. In layman's terms, the losing party, its followers and anarchists within our midst, disagreed with the outcome.
This being the case; now, can we disagree without being disagreeable? Not so certain! But it is essential, in a national sense if the American people are to ever hold Washington politicians accountable. ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ and that means all. Amazingly as it may appear, the political sways dividing us haven’t simultaneously stopped Conservatives (GOP) or Liberals (Democrats) from enjoying high rates of re-election to Congress or stopped the growth of government power, or spending — the DC Representatives preferred standard of measurement. Yet, along with the inauguration, the Women’s March, and other festivities came acts of violence designed to disrupt Trump’s celebrations. Vehicles were set ablaze, windows smashed, businesses destroyed, people pepper sprayed in the face, police and citizens hit with rocks, bricks and chunks of this that or the other. In the aftermath, the violence seems to be condemned more on a partisan basis than a universal one. Does this not have to change? 
Should we count on President Trump or the Democrats in Congress or the progressive left rioting in the streets to change things? If one believes Snow White was an animated character and not a living, breathing Southern White Supremacist's, then a change is possible. But don’t count on it. The liberal left and the rioting protesters, (among them are anarchists) benefit from the discord. What about the news media? No, we better put reconciliation on the back burner. If not, be prepared for long bouts of depression and counseling sessions with psychotherapists.
All this being said; that doesn't mean one has to compromise any agenda or issue. It simply means to give those with whom we disagree the respect they deserve, to treat them as individuals and not stand-ins for “the other” group or gender or race or party or whatever. It means supporting President Trump when he’s right and opposing him when he’s wrong. It means our politics must be people and principle-based, not partisan. All this being said brings me back to the question: Can we disagree without being disagreeable? Still not so certain.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Build, Secure, Impose, Cut, and Create Jobs

Of Brexit, the British decision to leave the EU, Trump said recently, “People, countries want their own identity, and the U.K. wanted its own identity … so if you ask me, I believe others will leave.” Do you suppose he is correct in this assumption? Is it not somewhat refreshing to hear a transparent truth? How could Europe’s elites not see the populist forces rising? The Europeans long to regain their lost sovereignty and national identity, and they were willing to pay a price to achieve it. Was Trump not right in saying what he said? Again, is it so shocking to hear a transparent truth? Apparently, the globalist crowd cannot comprehend a people’s desire for nationalism. Given the strength of ethnic nationalism in Europe, neither the Eurozone nor the EU is likely to survive the decade. We should prepare for that day, not pretend that what is taking place across Europe, and indeed worldwide, is some passing fervor of nationalism.
President Trump should “build the wall, secure the border, impose tariffs, cut taxes, free up the American economy, bring the factories home, create millions of jobs and keep us out of any new wars” that have little bearing on America’s vital national interests. With few exceptions, wars tend to be fatal to presidencies.