Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Beware of Those Who Troll

In light of recent events as they pertain to General Michael Flynn’s resignation as President Trump’s National Security Advisor and significant discord as evidenced by leak disclosures within America’s intelligence and security departments I will present the following thoughts: Trump’s Administration is going to have serious leak problems. Trump’s running into some serious opposition in the intelligence community, and they’re undercutting him with leak after leak. That means that Trump had better bring in the oars and tighten the hatches.
Democrats, as is their usual mode operandi, are not interested in truth. Democrats are principally interested in denigrating and targeting Trump. For the most part, mass media are Salivating. The media have their kill now. They’re receiving leaks. They’re reporting. And they’re not letting up. All this drives those of us who seek a better America daft. Why, one may ask? Did not the press for the sake of argument go “absent without leave” during Obama’s Presidential tenure? But that doesn’t change the reality: the media are going to continue pressing their advantage, which means that Trump had better take command quickly, or he risks his presidency falling victim to scandals, rumormongering, betrayals in the form of leaks, etcetera.
President Trump would be well advised to recognize the deceitful Democrats and a mendacious media for who they are. They are trolling for anything Trump. Once snagged they will not let the catch jump back into the water from the line cast. Stay away from the shallow and often murky waters from which those who troll dwell.

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