Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"Resistance" Yesterday and Today Part 1 of 5

Any stunning, factual recitation of events which have occurred since and prior to President Trump’s election should surprise no one, notwithstanding Trump’s promise to “Drain the Swamp.” One must remember not all conspiracy theorists are unhinged paranoids. This becomes more apparent when these conspiracy theoreticians insist there was a loosely organized if not sometimes incoherent effort to destroy Trump’s candidacy over and above normal political maneuvering and later a renewed and thus far unprecedented endeavor to abort his presidency.  

After all, did anyone believe that in the year 2017 the losing side in an American election would immediately dub itself the “Resistance.” Is that not kin to channeling the World War II nomenclature of the guerrilla campaign against the Wehrmacht occupation of France? Or that the defeated candidate, Hillary Clinton would formally embrace the imagery of liberationist patriots battling a Nazi-like Trump occupation of America?  

An opposition effort might embrace trying to subvert the Constitution by pressuring state electors not to honor their constitutionally defined responsibilities to vote IAW the popular vote in their respective states. It might also include an effort to introduce articles of impeachment in the House of Representatives. 

A resistance might file suit under the 25th Amendment to find the president ‘not right of mind’, accompanied by a popular campaign to clinically diagnose the president as mentally unfit or physically feeble or disabled. Or a resistance might sue the courts to seek removal of an elected president on grounds he was a involved in excessive profiteering and had thus violated the U.S. Constitution. Or a resistance would file suits with hand-picked liberal judges to delay and halt the president’s executive orders. On the petty side, an organized effort to discredit a president would range from boycotting an inauguration and a State of the Union address to deliberately holding and delaying confirmation of his appointees. In fact, have we not seen in Trump’s First year all these things and more?

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