Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Warriors Wearing Armor or Neophyte Attired in Fragile Mesh

Silent Body Armor wearing Warriors putting life and limb on the line every day for ours and other’s liberty. They do this while academia inspired neophytes choose not armor but a fragile mesh of emotion, infatuation, adulation and reverence for liberalism and its pedagogues which enables the thoughtless and unwary to function as “Snowflakes” and "Wallflowers,” to flee not to the sound of distress but the seclusion of designated “Safe Spaces.” Furthermore, progressives are akin to a Mealy Machine. They are subject to limits whose output values are determined both by one’s state of mind, to another in response to some external input. That input is liberal ideology foisted upon young impressionable minds by a progressive ideologue employed by a majority of post-secondary Institutions of higher learning.
Does not freedom come at a cost? How much depends on which side of freedom's fence one stands or hides. Victor Hugo once said that "People do not lack strength; They lack will." I ask you, the reader to look deep within your soul and prove to America first, then the world, liberalism will not rob this nation of its will to be free, nor the courage to carry the torch of liberty to wherever freedom beckons. I am certain of one thing. It is the warrior not the progressive preceptor or pedagogue that, with God's grace will carry the day against liberty's adversaries. It is the warrior within all of us that must put on the armor of truth to safeguard America's will to be free and the courage to carry the standard of liberty against all foreign and domestic foes. Last word: Beware of wolves dressed in sheep clothing.

1 comment:

  1. Human liberty and one’s own nation’s survival in our time must originate in truth, no matter how incredible it seems and how shocking it is to our often academia experiential conditioned minds. As Socrates once stated, “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” When will academia act in accordance with Socrates wise counsel? I contend those wearing Armor (Conservatives) will eventually carry the day over those clothed in Mesh (Liberal Left). Why one may ask? Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Furthermore, they believe the role of government should provide its citizens the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. The academia indoctrinated left has jettisoned their concern for the pursuit of research and scholarship. It has been replaced by an insidious ideology that favors expansion of government and by extension, government control of its peoples, which tends to obscure the truth, thereby hindering a citizenry’s self-determination.
