Monday, March 25, 2019

Socialism is a Direct Threat to America

One of the societal maladies produced by what passes for today’s American Public and Post-Secondary Education systems, is the unawareness or ignorance some young people, specifically Generation Y or millennials and Gen Z, have about socialism. This ignorance is a direct threat to the future of our Republic. For young people who weren’t alive during the geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and the revulsions that came from Socialism and its wicked cousin Communism, the notion that they can get free stuff from the government is compelling, one might rightly conclude addictive. Excluding Uniformed Service Members, most young people today have sacrificed little for America. Too many of the Y and Z Generation adults have bought into the idea that White wealthy Americans, conglomerate, and big corporations are malevolent because they have pilfered money from others, to include the underprivileged, minorities of color, the disenfranchised and essentially those unable to rub two pennies together. The rest of the story in detail will follow in my next post.

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