Sunday, March 31, 2019

Socialism: The Rest of The Story

Does not history tell us that Socialism is a failed political and economic system? Why? Because Socialism and all that accompanies it is a flawed system based on unsound principles that aren’t consistent with human behavior and can’t nurture the human spirit. A stagnate Cuban economy and the rapid demise of socialist Venezuela has apparently had little impact on younger Americans who think the U.S. government is a large ATM and all they need do is insert a card and money will slide out. Truth is, all these outcomes we see in Cuba and Venezuela are likely if Socialism were to replace Capitalism as our economic and political system. No if, ands, or buts about it. In both Cuba and Venezuela, the status quo is unsustainable, earning potential is limited, property rights but for a few are nonexistent, personal motivation is but abstract, national healthcare is lacking, taxes high and people are hungry, worse yet, some are starving. 
Polls and research indicate one of the top issues for Millennials and Generation Z is the national debt, rapidly approaching 25 trillion. Question? Have these same young people considered that socialist programs will significantly add to the debt? Apparently not, because to them, it seems that feelings are more important than observable results. 
Socialist policies, in one form or another, are part of the platforms of some of the announced Democratic presidential candidates. America’s new Democrat Socialists beat a hasty retreat from historic truth when confronted with historical indisputable facts as it pertains to Socialism’s failings.  Is the concept, we can’t afford it, an economic mantra accepted and taught to children/young adults by Leftist leaning elitists/academia? No! For the most part Millennials and Generation Z persons are less likely to accept as true, that one must live within one’s means. 
Woe to America, if the younger generation were to be the difference in electing Ocasio or Sanders or Pocahontas or any other number of self-proclaimed socialists to this nation’s House of Representatives, its Senate or its highest office. Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” 
Will this be the generation that fulfills his prophecy? Much is riding on the next election. It’s so important to preserve America’s Constitutional Republic, and make sure citizens understand that we need to preserve it. Remember this: Socialism is a mild word for what it is. It’s a form of extremism and government control that will take over our lives.

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