Wednesday, May 29, 2019

God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 1 of 3

Regardless of one’s political opinions, the idea of God’s control in a system brings with it some cynicism. Especially, as it relates to voting, the will of the people and the candidates themselves. If the past is any indication of future elections, many Christians will again be in a quandary. How so? If God, in His providence chooses the world’s leaders, then should we not, as the Bible directs, yield to their authority? Again, I ask does this not present a conundrum for those believers in Christianity who may lean ideologically Left or Right?

This winding path often lead wayfarers to two very different destinations. They will either affirm God’s kismet but be at odds with His choice; or they will deny His providence at which point His involvement no longer matters. Here lies the dilemma for the Christian believer. Does God’s will or providence equal His endorsement or approval?

As Christians we don’t just want to know God’s will, but to accept it as being so. Thus, if the answer is the affirmative, God’s providence equals His approval, then God has chosen select leaders (whomever they may be), He must approve of the national leaders and we should throw our weight behind those select leaders.

So, God’s providence and control is void of cognitive dissonance as to God’s providence and control. We must seek the following:  Does God’s providence equal His approval? Is there a problem with this line of reasoning? Yes! The problem with this line of reasoning is that it quickly abandons reason and contravenes the character of God. In order to circumvent or navigate this kind of question, we must recognize that God’s providence is absolute, but His approval is not. Just because something transpires under God’s providence does not mean that He consents to it or determines that it occurs.

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