Friday, July 5, 2019

Rejection of Religious and Moral Ideals is Cancerous to Individual Liberty Part 1of 2

A suggestion espoused by some within America’s body of Christians today is that the United States of America was once occupied for the most part by a population having an emotional reaction or feeling of reverent joy towards Jehovah-God. True enough many did but inferring ‘most of a population’ may be taking it a step too far. There has been and always will be a great deal of worldly people who act worldly in the USA, as there is throughout the globe. With respect to history, the presence of a significant population of, agnostics, anti-theists, a significant symbol that a social order is, to an extent, free. Conversely, absolute uniformity of any kind is typically only accompanied by a despotic government. In that sense alone, the lack of religious belief in the United States today can be viewed, even by Christians, as somewhat positive. But an equally fair analysis of our present state also reveals that our acute moral decomposition is destroying entire communities and creating a great deal of distress.

From the amount of reliable data available and blessed with reasonable cognitive capacities; I am led to believe that being born into a household with both a married father and mother reduces the likelihood of a child growing up in poverty. If one desires their progenies to stay out of poverty and penal institutions, the formula is very simple: Short of having an abortion, don’t have children until you’re married, a “position so proscribed in our current society that those who voice such a claim are often deemed to be racists.” If assertion of such an opinion makes one a racist, then label me such. What’s particularly troubling about America’s struggles isn’t that people are choosing to ignore their religious leaders, it’s that most Americans have completely rejected the need for any religion or even some secular objective moral standard by which we all must be held accountable. This has created a society in which virtually anything goes, until, that is, most people decide that a behavior should not be tolerated.

The dread of a largely irrational oppression of the majority is now more fact than theory; it’s supported by undeniable evidence. Consider, society’s current fixation with sexual harassment. When was the last time one could turn on local or national news or visit a social news media website without seeing personal allegations and accounts of a recognizable celebrity or public figure who has been or will be charged with sexually harassing someone? I’m sure we can all agree that people shouldn’t be sexually plagued.  While at the same time, why cannot we agree that our children should not listen to music in which singers lyrically exalt sexually harassing, objectifying, simply put; treating women as mere objects of sexual desire? Or conversely, treating men as mere objects of sexual desire?

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