Friday, August 16, 2019

Warning! Hunting Season Delayed

Why did Universal Pictures postpone their plans to release The Hunt, a motion picture that depicts liberal elitists stalking and slaughtering supporters of President Trump? Again, why would Hollywood withdraw The Hunt? Tinseltown may be prejudiced and they may even be anti-conservative, but they aren’t as stupid as some of the words that come from their lips might suggest. There is little doubt that, like mainstream media, the U.S. film industry and the people associated with it suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and loathes Deplorables. But there’s one thing they hate even more…” empty seats at the box office.”

However, those of my political and theological persuasion think otherwise. Let me be clear. There are significant numbers of Conservative, law-abiding gun owners, and Christian Deplorables who are undoubtedly not amused at the idea of a motion picture that satirizes the blood-spattered demise of proponents holding political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, smaller government, and socio-politically traditional notions.

I have no doubt that today’s Democrats, Socialists, abortion/euthanasia advocates and the likes of Waters, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley, Pocahontas, Sanders… would be absolutely entertained by the film’s unrestrained bloodshed. Why would the above-named antagonists or groups be amused at such a scenario? Let me answer this question with a question. Are not these same groups, for the most part, comprised of left-wing political adherents of an ideology, that is uncompromising and dogmatic?  It would come as no surprise that these ideologues and/or radicals might find the movie knee-slapping, side-clenching entertaining. I find the mere thought of such a screenplay sickening, then again, I am a deplorable law-abiding gun-owning Christian with traditional conservative viewpoints and values. 

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