Monday, October 21, 2019

Fools Gold

When I see news feeds of Elizabeth Warren, AKA “Pocahontas,” Bernie Sanders and to a lesser extent Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke on the Presidential trail giving a stump speech a sobering portrait comes to mind. The image is representative of the dramatic rise in socialism's popularity in America, particularly among the millennial cohort of American voters, now the largest single-age block of eligible voters in America. The three mentioned presidential aspirants set the table with the promise of “Free Stuff.” All three presidential hopefuls imply that “Free Stuff” will Make America Greater Again and all will be happy in Camelot. This may come as a shock to those who rally around the candidate’s flagpole but “Free Stuff” is no more than fool’s gold. The promise of “Free Stuff” is based on class warfare that claims “only the wealthy will pay” for it. Think again! 

What the Democrat Left presidential candidates are espousing is no more than the political and economic philosophies of Karl Marx, Mikhail Bakunin, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin…Their philosophical beliefs, with minor variants or disparities centered on class conflict, class warfare and class struggle as a central tenant and a practical means for effecting radical social and political changes. What better way to win the hearts, minds, and souls of the largest segment of a nation’s eligible voters than to claim, “only the rich will pay.” Has this not led to seismic manic movements, not unlike those seen in the Middle Ages’? Saint Vitas dance appears to be alive and well among today’s millennials and leftist leaning political fringe? What’s not to like about building 3 million new low-cost housing units, a Green Marshall Plan, Green Industrial Mobilization, Green Apollo Program, Canceling Student loan debt, making public universities tuition-free, universal childcare, universal health care…Sounds great does it not? Who would not desire a boatload of “free stuff”? But, there’s a reason why it has yet to happen: “Free Stuff” is not Free. The price tag would be astronomical.

In summation: This writer contends that our presidential challengers are long on promises but short on economic analysis, calculations, and reality. If we keep meandering down this road to nowhere, we face certain socio-economic calamity. Why not alter our course and go down the highway less traveled to Balanced Budget Way and Bipartisan Boulevard?

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