Monday, March 16, 2020

Facts First Before Distorting Historic Truths

A Coronavirus, in this case COVID-19 is not going to permanently tank the economy. What may very well submerge the American economy is collectivism/neo-Marxism being espoused from the mouths of many within today’s Democrat Party and those who advocate socialism as the source of political power. The vast majority of these socialist mouth pieces, being millennials indoctrinated by left-wing academia and their leftist political counterparts who share their same fixed values.

To those who espouse socialism, get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. Counter to what intuition would lead one to expect: The direction you follow is counterintuitive, you must follow the historical trail of socialism before you go there. Are not more millennials working today, participating in the labor force, than ever before?  They may tell you they like socialism, but they know not what they believe or have confidence in. The naysayers on the left bellow inclusivity for all as their rallying cry. It is my contention that we all want growth to be inclusive for all of America’s citizenry. Statistics tell us we have an extraordinarily low unemployment rate across every single demographic. Is not the unemployment rate today for African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, women... disabled Americans at its lowest in history? Under Trump's leadership and Capitalism as his economic and political system of choice, has he not reached into the sidelines of the economy to pull all persons capable and willing to work into the workforce?

In summation, for the first time in history, there are more women working today in the labor force than there are men. If facts are mirrored by employment statistics; Trump’s first three years in office have witnessed historic employment growth. Never has any American Chief of State achieved growth among every single demographic during their term(s) as has President Donald J. Trump, 45th and current president of the United States.

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