Friday, September 18, 2020

Democratic Party's Blue Line Perception Commentary

Here’s the reality so penned by Tucker Carlson as it pertains to Joe Biden and his radical liberal anti-police cohorts. Since the summer, has not the Democratic Party told all who would listen that Members of the Blue Line are profoundly immoral and wicked, that they are the cause of death of innocent people of color, especially those of Black persuasion? By his words or lack thereof, Biden and the Democrat leadership has sided with those who desire to abolish, defund, or “reimagine” a citizen-led approach to law enforcement. Adding salt to the wound, the Democrats put it in their party platform. 

What a buffoon it’s hard to believe they’re running that guy — silly old fool. But behind Joe Biden’s vacant smile and laughably outdated assumptions about an America that does not exist and hasn’t for many years, it is a group of hard-eyed handlers right behind him and they know exactly what’s going on and they have a purpose for it. These people want power. They know that effective, honest, independent local law enforcement stands in the way — in their way. The left already controls the FBI completely. They want your Police Department to come to heel. That’s their plan and if dead cops are the price, they think it’s worth it.

Truth be known, good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because men and women of personal fortitude stand ready to do what it takes to thwart abhorrent criminal behavior or violence when situations warrant their presence. And they do so on behalf of the people they swore to defend and protect. 

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