Thursday, February 25, 2021

Dear Mr. President...

One of the sincerest forms of respect is listening to what another has to say. President Biden are you listening to the thousands of American energy workers who are now unemployed? Are you listening to the agonizing cries of the unborn as they are jettisoned from the womb?... Are you listening to law enforcement? Are you protecting our borders? Are you...? What were you thinking when you signed those executive orders that signaled an end to the future hopes and dreams of American blue-collar workers, the lost lives of the unborn, America’s energy self-sufficiency, our national security...? Give respect and then you may well get respect. Currently, you nor your administration deserve respect. On second thought, through no fault of your own, you, President Biden are grappling with neurodegenerative malady (dementia) thus, are cognitively compromised and clearly not up to the task to serve as Commander in Chief. For those who would dispute my personal assessment, I ask them; Have you not watched Biden’s inability to convey his thoughts in simple sentences without appearing confused or having his listeners scratching their heads as if in bewilderment? Considering the present circumstances as they are, President Biden and the current condition of our nation needs our prayers. Why? Because Prayer is Jehovah God’s ordained way to bring his miracle power to bear in man’s need. And Biden’s needs are great as is America’s. Biden’s character flaws are many. His ability to articulate policy as head of state is abysmal. His ability to empathize with Blue-Collar Middle-Class America is nil. Maybe those who voted for him were fooled, if not fooled then certainly deceived. It is all rather pathetic, but even quick-witted people are sometimes blinded by the tripe, drivel, bilge... nonsense put out by MSM (not methylsulfonylmethane), Big Tech, academia... They took as gospel every perceived sin of Donald Trump while they seemed intent on canonizing St. Joe. Nevertheless, as difficult as it may be, we need to pray for President Biden, his administration, and those who championed him as President. As people of faith, we have a responsibility to pray for the lost, the infirmed, the nullifidian, the reprobate, the heretical... Let us remember the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Lest we forget, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Almighty God our redeemer is looking for a heart that is broken and contrite over sin. It is this godly sorrow, inspired by the Spirit’s work, that produces true repentance leading to salvation. This is the reason we pray for America, President Biden, our Congressional, State, and local leadership, and our nation's people, be they righteous or unrighteous.   

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