Wednesday, April 28, 2021

CRT, Marxist Doctrine of Critical Theory, Emancipation Education Proponents are Wolves in Sheep Clothing

How would you feel if your child or grandchild came home from school and said my teacher told me that everything that happens in the world is “racist” and that if I am white, I am part of the problem?  Is this not an absurd declaration by a teacher, a school board member or school system employee that endorses a dogma as reprehensible as Critical Race Theory (CRT)? Since when did a child’s skin color make them racially prejudiced? I am of the opinion it takes a bigoted radicalized ideologue with a twisted sense of sanctimoniousness who equates whiteness to bigotry. That may sound difficult to believe, but such disturbing ideas are coming to your children’s and grandchildren’s K-12 public schools, if they are not already present.  

As for myself, I am outraged, disappointed, affronted and filled with righteous indignation when pedagogues treat pupils differently because of their ethnicity which causally relates to skin color and these same educators/Administrators specifically make pronouncements that target the current progenies and past descendants of White America. This nation's school aged youth essentially have become the unwitting quarry for which CRT devotees now calculatedly prey upon. Today’s targeted students are in no way guilty of past, real, or perceived enslavement, exploitation, brutality of non-white persons. Any public school system that consentingly assents to and incorporates CRT as doctrine, essentially violates existing laws. It should go without saying, such dogma is also disputing for all children, white or non-white.

Now for some educational enlightenment. The real goal of CRT proponents, be they teachers, educational administrators, SWJ’s, political left-wing office holders... These ideas of oppression and systemic racism come from a Marxist doctrine called “critical theory.” Over the past four decades, Post-secondary Education professors and activists expanded critical theory into what is now called “Critical Race Theory,” a worldview that “questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional law.” The curriculums and trainings alluded to clearly belong to the critical race theory discipline. Sadly, the mentioned discipline has now seeped into our public education system. Instead of learning reading, writing and arithmetic, government/civics and historical truths about America’s greatness our children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated by adherents of an” intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biological grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of color.” Now many of our educational systems have become the aegis of what some term as Emancipation Curriculum, which espouses “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism.”


If one believes in biblical inerrancy, as I do, we will be able to identify the sheep from the wolves clothed as sheep. The Word of God tells us: You will know them by their fruits. In other words, grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Jesus assures us that we will know them by their fruits. Some fruits may be beautiful, decorative, and offer pleasant shade in the summer. But its primary purpose is to bear fruit, and it is therefore judged by what it produces and not by how it looks or sounds, i.e., Critical Race Theory, Marxist Doctrine of Critical Theory, Emancipation Curriculum. What say you?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Epilogue: The Bottom Line, Facts are Facts

In the words of Mark Twain “a lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.” The time has arrived when powerful and influential Local, State and Federal politicos, Corporate CEOs,’ Professional Sports league officials/players, MSM’s Crème De La Crème of journalism, and neo-Marxist “Woke” schlemiels have spread a firestorm of misinformation, disinformation, fake news...  about the newly passed voting law in Georgia. Amazing how the ignorant or half-wits among the critics seem bent on giving substance to Mark Twain’s witticism.

For those critics who proclaimed the new voting law “Jim Crow 2.0,” “Voter Suppression,” and “un-American” it is time to eat crow, admit you were wrong and accept the humiliation that is part and parcel to one’s ignorance of reality and truthfulness. If these nonpareil Jolterheads took time to read the legislation, they would learn that it makes voting easier in Georgia, not harder. Georgia’s New Voting law expands the window for early voting to its citizenry; allows no-excuse mail-in voting to continue, adds 100 new ballots drop boxes, and allows voters to get a government-issued ID at no charge. It also makes elections more transparent by prohibiting ballot counters from stopping the count in the middle of the night; Allows for water to be provided to voters by election workers, not activists or politically affiliated individuals, within 150 feet of a polling site. The idea that these changes are somehow akin to the oppression of Jim Crow is a complete falsehood designed to sow seeds of discord among America's ethnic groups, in hopes of achieving a geopolitical and economic power grab by select elites. Those who have spread this piece of fiction should be cloaked in sack cloth and ashes for the financial hurt placed on Atlanta’s small companies, shops, vendors, organizations that makes and sells goods and/or provides services. Unwarranted removal of 2021’s MLB’s All-Star game cost Atlanta’s small business and Blue-Collar workers (majority of which are Black) from 100 to 190 million dollars in revenue. So, what say you, Mayor Stacey Abrams, President Biden, Coca-Cola CEO, sportscaster Keith Theodore Olbermann, MLB Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, ESPN (owned by Disney) representatives who permitted President Biden to disseminate disinformation about the Georgia law in an interview without any pushback to his departure from the truth assertions...  Corporations have historically shied away from controversy to avoid alienating their customers. Those days are long gone. Today they seem convinced that kowtowing to far-left strong-arm-tactics of intimidation is healthy for business.

It is revealing that the same companies pushing the made-up “voter suppression” narrative are making billions in Communist China, a nation that is currently breaching every article in genocide convention by actively persecuting Ugihurs, Muslims, Christians, ethnic minorities... Worse yet the Chinese government is harvesting and selling organs from persecuted religious, ethnic minorities, and political prisoners on an industrial scale. What say you, Coca-Cola, who owns nearly half of China’s soft drink market? What say you Delta Airlines, who recently increased its number of flights to China? What say you, Disney, with new theme parks in Shanghai and Hong Kong? What say you, NBA, who without reluctance promotes social justice missives on the hardwood, makes sure that owners and players in no way disparage the CCP, which is a primary source of profit for the league? What say you, MLB, who is partnering with Beijing Enterprises Real-Estate Group Limited, a state- owned company to open twenty new baseball facilities in hopes it will grow the sport significantly? Furthermore, MLB and Tencent, another China state-owned enterprise, reached another deal that granted Tencent the streaming rights for 125 games within China and their sphere of Asian influence. 

Here is the bottom line: Transparency is critical to ensuring integrity of the vote and each state has its own laws governing the election process.  The dishonest and disingenuous information surrounding Georgia’s new election law is wrong and it must end.  These dishonest statements only serve to create division, mislead the American public, and undermine election integrity. Americans see this hypocrisy for what it is: corporate elites who will do and say anything to help their bottom line, regardless of the truth. "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”-- Albert Einstein


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

MLB's Error in Judgment May Cost Them The Game

Correct me if I am in error. You need an “ID to pick up tickets to attend a baseball game. Or to get a beer inside once you are there.” But MLB is moving the all-star game because you need an ID to vote? Furthermore, it is vituperative to say that American citizens who care about election integrity are racially prejudiced. Those associated with MLB hierarchy and anyone else spouting the same dissimulation, distortion of truth, equivocation, fabrication, false assertion... should hide their head in shame or take their head out of their “Woke” butts and read Georgia’s new election voting law. The voting legislation provides more opportunities for voters to cast ballots than the old voting law. Like buying a beer or picking up a ticket at the ballpark an ID is but one essential step in the process. To Manfred, MLB’s clueless ruler of the Baseball Realm, who decided the best way to demonstrate MLB values (or lack thereof) as a sport is “by relocating 2021’s All-Star game...” and doing so at a time when baseball is straining to keep current fans, much less get new fans. I am in favor of a proposal made by a particular discontented fan, of which there are many, and their numbers are rising. The proposal follows: “Republicans in Congress should immediately move to repeal the @MLB’s anti-trust exemption. Grow some balls and fight fire with fire.” If not in 2021or 2022, then 2023.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The World He Claims, Claimed Him Part 2

We die one at a time and disappear, but the life of the living continues. The earth turns. The sun makes its way towards the western horizon no slower or faster than it usually does... Early Sunday morning, one of the Jesus fidus Achates comes back with rags and a jug of water and a box of the grave spices that are intended to cut down on the stench of death. She is braced for the task. But when she comes to the grave, she finds that the linen’s been thrown into the corner and the body is gone. Fervently she cries out “They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him.” Evidently anonymous burial is not quite anonymous enough, after all. She sits outside in the sun. The gnats, the flies and all manner of insects have come to life throughout the area, even here at the edge of the desert, and a bee is rummaging about in a lily like silk thinly tucked over itself, but much more perishable. It will not last long. She takes no notice of the feet that appear at the edge of her vision. That is enough now, she thinks. That is more than enough. Do not be afraid, says Jesus. Far more can be mended than you know. She is weeping. The “executee,” the victim of the execution, helps her to stand up. 


Friday, April 2, 2021

The World He Claims, Claimed Him

He cannot do anything deliberate now. The strain of his whole weight on his outstretched arms hurts too much. The pain fills him up, displaces thought, as much for him as it has for everyone else who has ever been stuck to one of these horrible contrivances, or for anyone else who dies in pain from any of the world’s grim arsenal of possibilities. And yet he goes on taking in. It is not what he does, it is what he is. He is all open door: to sorrow, suffering, guilt, despair, horror, everything that cannot be escaped, and he does not even try to escape it, he turns to meet it, and claims it all as his own. This is mine now, he is saying; and he embraces it with all that is left in him, each dark act, each dripping memory, as if it were something precious, as if it were itself the loved child tottering homeward on the road. But there is so much of it. So many bruised sons and daughters; so many locked rooms; so much despondent anger; so many incendiary devices in public places; so much callous fanaticism; so many teenagers with nothing to do; so many well-oiled girls at parties someone thought they could have a little fun with; so many gags that go too far; so much ruining voracity; so much sick resourcefulness; so much burned skin. The world he claims, claims him. It burns and hurts, it shards and gashes, it tresses him round and yanks him down… All day long, the next day, the city is quiet. The air above the city lacks the usual thousand little trails of smoke from cookfires. Hymns rise from the temple. Families are indoors. The soldiers are back in barracks. The Chief Priest grows hoarse with singing. The governor drinks wine, plays Latrones, a popular Roman board game with his secretary and dictates letters. The free bread the temple distributed to the poor has gone stale by midday but tastes all right dipped in water or broth. Death has interrupted life only as much as it ever does. We die one at a time and disappear, but the life of the living continues. The earth turns. The sun makes its way towards the western horizon no slower or faster than it usually does... to be continued Easter Sunday.