Monday, June 7, 2021

Biden and Post-Modern Tokenism

Are you aware that President Biden has gone where no other POTUS before him has gone? In his first six months in office Biden has taken the awe-inspiring leap into post-modern tokenism with his Cabinet and key advisor selections, ensuring that this many are African American and that many are persons of Latin American origin or descent and used as a gender-neutral or nonbinary alternative to Latino or Latina. These are female and those are gay, and this is this and that is that. It is not that Biden is making choices to represent America or his coalition. Every president does that, to include President Trump. Though more traditionally, they have done it in terms of the geography or physical features of an area. What is new about Biden’s methodology is that rather than contest the perception that he has used factors other than finding the absolute best person for every job, he has veered into the belief that it is laudable to choose citizens in large measure based on skin color or ethnic origin or sexual orientation. This is America as today’s Democratic party understands it… The kind of line often promulgated by those who believe in counting by race, gender and sexual orientation is that the world that results “looks like America.” That is an awfully bad link, considering that America is actually “76.5%” white. If Biden’s cabinet and key advisors were to look like America, it would have to be a lot more Caucazoid than it is. Come what may, we are so far beyond Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech... “that we will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Under our current leadership, we should almost certainly start back peddling and phrasing things in the reverse. Which is simply great… By which I mean, it is just awful. Six months in office and what have we learned about Biden, his administration, his key advisors, and appointees and today’s Democrat party? Their actions, rhetoric, and job assignments within the government is little more than mere lip-service to the idea of equality, not to mention sheer tokenism. What say you?

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