Wednesday, July 7, 2021

What Will The Second Half of 2021 Bring

The first six months of the Biden Administration has been a tempest of a year. Truth be known, I worry about America’s future when I read or hear the news or check my media feeds. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear and an IQ above that of an amoeba have witnessed the following and more: Significant rise in lawless violence in too many cities and neighborhoods leading to growing crime and fear in urban centers, not to mention the destruction of historical statues, busts, and monuments... Widespread promotion of the deceptive and misleading Pulitzer Prize winning ommentary, “1619 Project.” This commentary has led to the infusion of Marxist-inspired critical race theory into K-12 classrooms across America, possibly even in schools where you live, and your children and grandchildren attend... Influential forces in the news/social media, sports and entertainment industry, and big tech working like a Trojan horse to suppress free speech, halt or limit constitutional protected political activity, rewrite history, and even “cancel” classic literature... What will the second half of 2021 bring?

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