Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Call to Arms to Battle The Left

You and I must remind our loved ones, neighbors, coworkers, Americans of all colors, people of faith, regardless of denominational affiliation, not to be intimidated by the deliberate vindictiveness and mean spiritedness of the radical Left. We must ensure the current and especially the next generation isn’t poisoned by the noxious fumes of deceit, mendacities, falsehoods... being spewed by this nations, self-proclaimed celebutante, powerful personages or pretentious Federal, State, and Local politicos, our secondary and post-secondary educators and educrats, MSM, Big Tech magnates, secular-humanists... that would indoctrinate/propagandize them to loathe America. Furthermore, it is imperative that we prepare our current and future generation of young people that while they may be tested for standing true to their Conservative principles, faith, values, and suppositions… they are not fighting alone, and they are able to win in the American Culture War against the political Left. The war is won, one battle at a time. It is my prayer that one day soon we can echo the words of President Ronald Reagan: “America is, and always will be, a shining city on a hill.” To God be the glory...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What's President Biden's Real Message

Several days ago, when President Biden sanctioned the drone strike that killed Zemari Ahmadi and nine members of his family, including seven children in Afghanistan. The Administration bragged about taking out a top ISIS target. But they stretched the truth. Ahmadi was just an aid worker, working for a California-based organization, bringing water to suffering Afghan village residents. This act of reckless neglect of the truth coupled with the needless deaths of 13 uniformed service personnel begs the question: Do not the lives of innocent victims and soldiers alike mean nothing to those who sit on the throne of power? Apparently not. The watchword or catchphrase for this administration’s foreign policy amounts to “No lives matter.” 

Closer to home, I have questions as they relate to the real message or catchphrase of Covid-19 to Americans?  It’s OK for government to subject American citizens to despotic demands to allow a vaccines, that have yet to be studied adequately to determine long term effects against their will and better judgement. It’s OK for the government to spy on all of us. It's OK for the TSA to abuse us for the privilege of traveling in our own country. It’s OK to mandate where we can and cannot go. It’s OK for the head of state to dis 80 million Americans who for personal reasons refuse the decreed jab. It’s OK when the government levy’s hefty fines against small business owners who fail to heed unconstitutional precepts... Don't worry, it's only temporary... And the Biden beat goes on like a broken record. To not question what appears to be an unconstitutional directive is to contribute to the fall of this Republic and its citizenry, those very people the President and Congress swore to protect. 

Final note to spin commentary: For the record, I have no issue with persons who choose to be vaccinated. It’s a personal choice. It’s their constitutional right to say yea or nay. I question whether the vaccines are being used as a political tool to further divide and segregate Americans? I also feel Americans have individual Constitutional Rights that cannot be superseded by a U.S. president, regardless of party affiliation.

Monday, September 13, 2021

American Dream is Turning Into A Nightmare

 “Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. Talk about bullying in schools,” Biden said in remarks at the White House. The president also announced plans to order private businesses with more than 100 employees to get vaccinated. All federal workers along with government contractors must also get the vaccine. Then Monarch Biden dropped a bombshell threat on Republican governors. “If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.” Does Biden really think that Red State Governors will stand pat and allow him to decree what their state residents, will and will not do? Did Biden really believe that state elected Executive Chiefs would not fight the president and radical Democrats to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every state citizen?

Additionally, the American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical ruling Democrat party. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Many Red State Governors have vowed to stand up and defend freedom and promised to sue the president. The big question: Does the President have the authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business, public schools... albeit, the vaccine may be itself lifesaving? For what its worth, I am aghast at Biden’s unconstitutional edict. His pronouncement has Marxism written all over it. Is this not America?  And do we as Americans still believe in freedom from tyrannical autocrats?


Friday, September 3, 2021

The Never-ending Bad Dream

Do you get, as I do the unsettling sensation that leadership is absent from the gates of the nation? Is it just me that has not mumbling Joe frequently implied that his handlers set the guidelines and determine when and where he’s allowed to take questions from the press? This being so, who is pulling the strings behind the curtains? And who is telling the president which reporters to call on at press conferences? I have heard it said that White House staffs oftentimes suffer the delusion that the voters elected them. It is the way of arrogance, and there is hardly a greater citadel of pomposity than the White House. Every time presidents forget this; they vacate their seat in the gates and give it to the bureaucracy, better stated, the powers to be.

It is said “A wise leader will give due consideration to the advice of his or her staff.” Conversely, a foolish leader loses functional leadership when he or she becomes a sycophant of aides, assistants, counselors, cabinet officers... and all the other beasts who inhabit the zoo of big agencies, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave being the biggest animal house of all.

Sadly, the Biden White House internees’ look as if they have seized the gates of leadership, and the president has become the minion or sycophant rather than America’s Chief Executive par excellence. If this be the case, and I believe this to be true, there is chaos in the gates. Biblical history shows that whatever happens in the gates of leadership, for good and ill, determines what happens in the city, and what happens in the city dictates what happens in the nation. History has taught us that a Darwinian strain constantly runs through places of great power like the White House, in which the survival of the fittest becomes a grappling match, or a elbowing contest to see who can snuggle up closest to the president in the gates. On top of all the other crises America faces, now comes this threatening issue about who controls the president. Who really sits in the gates of the nation at this precarious moment?

Historically cities, in antiquity, were to be sanctuaries of order. They were walled off from the chaos outside. Enormous gates maintained the order of the city. But everything depended on who occupied the gates, and what they were willing, or could be enticed, bribed, beguiled, cajoled... to allow in. According to Isaiah 14, Lucifer’s aim is to “overthrow cities” to achieve his goal of bringing chaos to the world. That assault works its way incrementally through institutions crucial for the order of society; families, churches, schools, businesses, civil governments... all the way to the steps of White House itself. 

Joe Biden, as any president, must seek good counsel, but because of his issues with aging whether merely perceived or actual, he does need wise advisors, and he needs to be able to discern the hubristic from the truly humble public servants. Thus far he has surrounded himself with a group of unperceptive shlubs. America needs prayers. It also needs a leader to MAGA, and one who will surround himself or herself with a group of wise counselors that puts America First.