Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Call to Arms to Battle The Left

You and I must remind our loved ones, neighbors, coworkers, Americans of all colors, people of faith, regardless of denominational affiliation, not to be intimidated by the deliberate vindictiveness and mean spiritedness of the radical Left. We must ensure the current and especially the next generation isn’t poisoned by the noxious fumes of deceit, mendacities, falsehoods... being spewed by this nations, self-proclaimed celebutante, powerful personages or pretentious Federal, State, and Local politicos, our secondary and post-secondary educators and educrats, MSM, Big Tech magnates, secular-humanists... that would indoctrinate/propagandize them to loathe America. Furthermore, it is imperative that we prepare our current and future generation of young people that while they may be tested for standing true to their Conservative principles, faith, values, and suppositions… they are not fighting alone, and they are able to win in the American Culture War against the political Left. The war is won, one battle at a time. It is my prayer that one day soon we can echo the words of President Ronald Reagan: “America is, and always will be, a shining city on a hill.” To God be the glory...

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