Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Good News, Bad News, Ugly News

Good News. Today we know a great deal about the coronavirus and the threat, or lack thereof that it poses to American citizens. Most importantly, we know that the virus does not affect populations equally, which is why one-size-fits-all mandates make absolutely no sense. Additionally, young, healthy people with no preexisting conditions commonly encounter only mild symptoms from the virus. Virtually 98% of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States have occurred in those over 40.  Meanwhile, people who have high BMI’s or overweight face a much higher risk of severe symptoms and hospitalization. Furthermore, IAW CDC study and prevention revealed 78% of people who have been hospitalized, needed a ventilator, or died from Covid-19 have been overweight or obese.”  

Bad News. In his sweeping vaccine mandate on 80 million Americans, Biden and his public health bureaucrats make no distinction between groups based on age, overall health, or any other known risk factors. Nor do they consider the nearly 1 in 3 Americans who already have contracted and recovered from the virus, and thus have developed natural immunitywhich multiple studies have shown is far more effective and longer lasting than the immunity achieved by vaccination. Question! Why should those who are naturally immune be penalized for refusing a vaccine that, for them, is probably medically unnecessary and lacks the evidence based on study/research. 


Ugly NewsBy the same token, thousands of American uniformed military personnel face a less-than-honorable discharge if they choose not to get vaccinated under Biden’s order. Our troops on the hole are young and in superb physical condition, and thus have weathered the pandemic storm better than almost any other group or members of humanity. The United States military has experienced  far fewer coronavirus cases and deaths related to previously stated submicroscopic infectious agentThis being the case, why exactly does Biden want to jettison thousands of our nation’s finest patriots simply for refusing a vaccination that all evidence suggests most of them do not need? The president’s absurd, unscientific, unnecessary, and unlawful vaccine mandate is now being echoed by some left-wing politicians across the nation. And the fire continues to spread... Despotic politicos across the nation have mandated vaccinations of all health care workers. Failure to comply results in termination of employment. In what bizarro world does it make sense to fire nursesphysicians, and other healthcare employees in the name of public health? What’s next? Hospice care workers. To add fuel to the pyrethe Biden administration is threatening to terminate fire thousands of unvaccinated Border Patrol agents. On the other hand, the record number of illegal aliens streaming across the border are exempt from what amounts to authoritarian rules American citizens are forced to live under. In fact, the Biden administration knowingly has released thousands of coronavirus positive illegal immigrants into American communities. POTUS 46 and other liberal politicians continue to move the goalposts every time someone has the mettle to ask when we can have our constitutional liberty restored. 

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